Best way to raise FC


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2014
Palm Desert, CA
The last few weeks has seen my FC drop. Last week was 4 and today is 3 (CYA is 50). My salt is reading 2900 with a 50% output. Should I raise the output to 70% and check again in a few days or go ahead and shock the pool now?. I have some Fresh and Clear Oxidizing Shock and some trichlor tablets. Also, how long after adding acid can I try to raise the chlorine? Thank you!
How does your water look? What are you using to test with?

If it were my pool, I'd toss in about 2 ppm of regular household bleach (using PoolMath calculator to determine how much that is in the pool) and recheck in a day to see how much you're losing. Does your SWG require more salt than its got to work with? Mine needs more than the 2900 you've got.
If you're looking to raise your CYA you can use those pucks, but cautiously. Once you add CYA, if you get too much, you're stuck with it until you drain and exchange some water for fresh water. Each puck contains some. Again, down at the bottom of PoolMath it can tell you the effects of adding x amount of chemical.

At least 30 min between acid and other chems
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