Spa Water Level Drops


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2015
Pasadena, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool SJ-15
I have an elevated spa with spillover along with my 21k gal pool. Over the last week I've noticed that the water level is fluctuating very widely. When I first noticed it, the level was just above the jets, which is probably 6-8 inches below where it should be. But then the timed filter ran for the pool and it raised back up. This happened a couple times over the week where it would get low and then fill back up after the filter ran in the evening.

This morning when I checked, it was about 3-4 inches too low, and right now (8hrs later) it's lost another 3 or 4 inches. Not sure what's going on. I'm not noticing a big swing in the pool level, and neither has been used in this time frame, and we haven't had any rain either. I did have a guy out last week to fix my sensor flow switch on my SWG and I'm wondering if he did something or changed a setting to one of the valves. I've only had this pool/spa for 4 mos, and it came with NO manuals, so trying to slowly figure everything out. But Ive only noticed this fluctuation in spa recently. Thx.
Likely the spa water is just draining back to the pool when the pump is off through a valve. It is not dropping below the pool water level right?

Check that that 3-way valves are in the right position. There should likely be at least 1 check valve that could be letting water past as well.

Post up pictures of your plumbing if you can not figure it out.
Oops, sorry just now seeing your reply. Thought I had signed up for notification. Anyway, the spa is not on same level as pool. It's raised and I have a overflow waterfall. I'll check for that valve and try and post some pics.
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