Solar Heat - separate forum


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 29, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Universal40
I am toying with the idea of adding solar heat now that I can actually use the pool.
A separate forum would be nice and may prompt some activity.


The final decision would be up to SeanB but my two cents worth would be that people might then want a separate section for heat pumps and gas heaters and might also want the solar heat section divided into above ground and in ground since there are some major installation differences between the two. My feeling is that it would complicate the forum.
I would suggest that simply doing a search on 'solar heat' from the search tab on the menu bar at the top of each page. It brings up quite a bit of information.
Solar heat section??? Third request!

Please!, Oh, Please!
My pool is getting chilly. I'm thinking about adding some solar panels again.
How about a solar heat section?
Are those systems on eBay OK?
Can I do it myself?
Are all panels the same?
Do I need an expensive controller or just a timer?
I have a raised metal roof. Any problems with that?
Re: Solar heat section??? Third request!

I've recently installed the Fafco Sungrabber panels. 2 - 2x20 foot sections are less than $200 on ebay and come with the warranty. I installed 160 sq. ft. myself for less than $600 (no controller) and the cheapest I could have a professional company install them for was over $2k AFTER the government rebates, etc.

Currently, I have no controller, but where I live it is sunny most of the time. I figure I could tweak out a couple more weeks of swimming with a controller, but that is just a guess. For this season and next, I'm just leaving the solar on and adjusting pump run times based on solar charts. If the family decides they want to extend the swimming season a bit more, I'll probably add a controller. Also, I have a built in spa, so can heat that using solar very quickly, which should be nice in the winter months. I also only have a solar cover for the spa since having one over the pool is just a pain I don't want to deal with as much as my kids go in and out.

Right now, my pool is between 88-90 while my neighbors that are unheated are in the 80-82 range.

All the panels are not the same. You also have to check to be sure you are getting IG vs AB panels; although some people claim it makes no difference. I have never gotten a good straight answer on that one.

If you have a good hardware / tractor supply store near you (not HD), you can get the additional panel connector kits (reinforced hose and clamps) and the barbed fittings, vacuum relief valves, etc. cheaper than ordering online.

The only thing I would do differently is to get the 2x10 panels instread of the 2x20. Simply because it is a real pain to get the 2x20 which must be mounted horizontally to stay flat and not sag causing ripples. I also need to switch from plastic to metal pipe clamps for holding the feed and return 2" PVC pipe in place. The plastic gets hot and bends too easily.
Re: Solar heat section??? Third request!


Your request for a forum is worth considering, for sure.

We have learned, however, not to make too many changes too quickly or we end up making the forum harder to navigate instead of more interesting.

Over the winter (I know we move slowly), Jason will gather up opinions on the structure of the site and then add and subtract those things that seem to be of interest to most people.

Meanwhile, you have a good thread started and you can search "solar heat" and get lot's of info to look at.

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Re: Solar heat section??? Third request!

As duraleigh said, we will be re-examining this question over the winter. For now, you should be able to find what you want with the search function, or just by scanning through the topic list of the Everything Else forum.
Solar Forum


I think this is the third year that I have requested a forum for solar.

As I recall, at the end of the summer I start thinking about solar and I look for panels and there are all kinds and I look here and ... no solar forum.

Or ... just tell me exactly which panels to buy and where and how to install them. Or does it depend?

Anyway ... how hard could it be?

Could we please have a solar heat forum?


Re: Solar Forum

Well, it's tempting to meet everyone's request and that ultimate decision ends up with JasonLion, our administrator.

I will say it is difficult to keep the forum simple and uncluttered as it is. If we get a solar forum, do we need a pump forum? Surely there's lot's more questions about pumps.

Hal3, have you searched "solar" on the site. Everything that search returns ends up being it's own forum, sort of.

TFP is unquestionably the premier pool site on the net and we want to make every effort that it stay that way by being tuned in to what folks want.

We also have to be cognizant that the site not become too cluttered and cumbersome.
My 2 cents- Maybe a forum on heat in general, and from there people can start posts on gas, electric, solar, heat pumps ect. If you are just doing casual reading searching is fine. If you are trying to gather all the info and make deicisions on major purchases scatered info is frustrating.
My 2 cents from a new.... but PAYING member :)
Jason- Keep up the great work, we all know you cant make everyone happy! :)
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