Hot Tub Time Machine 2


TFP Expert
Mar 2, 2011
Well, they finally made the sequel to the original. I didn't think that they would ever get that done.

Anywho, that got me thinking about hot tub time machines. Does anyone know if they work well? Is the time machine part reliable? Are there any special installation, maintenance or safety issues?

Are there any limits on time travel?
Funny thing I read today ... the writers wanted to call it Hot Tub Time Machine 3 as a joke that they traveled into the future and skipped 2. But, the studio thought that would be too confusing :hammer:
Unfortunately you can only use it if you have Chernobly, which I can't find anywhere. Red Bull sorta works but only slows time slightly. Monster causes temporal displacement but you get a giant headache. Amp just fries the time circuits. What a mess that one caused.

From my HTC One via Tapatalk
I've been transported into the future many times after drinking too much tequila in the hot tub. And let me tell you something: Time travel is heck on the body. When I arrive in the future (usually about noon the next day), my head hurts, my body aches, and I have a really bad case of cotton mouth.

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