remote operation compatibilities


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
Hello to All,

Our PB has been one of the worst nightmares in history. If you live in the greater Houston area, pls PM me so I can save you and your family from being a full time project manager.

We are again in disagreement and I have not received my remote. We have the Hayward AquaLink, AquaPod, PS-8 set-up to operate remotely. Can you purchase an off the shelf remote for this system or is the remote the PB has the only one that will work? Also, is there something the PB can program into the control panel that would prohibit the purchase of another remote like the one we are supposed to have from working w our system?

Thank you for your time and assistance w this request,
I'm not sure, but we have a Hayward Rep on the forum here, so you might ask them. I think he goes by the handle of "Hayward Pool"

Good luck, and sorry to hear of your build woes. Thank you for not publishing his name in the open forum.
There's nothing that "locks" one remote into the system so that another like remote can't be programmed to work with it. You will have to buy the dedicated Hayward remote in order for it to work with the system. There are no generic remotes that I know of.
Brush & Bama,

thank you both for your replies.

Yes, I meant to state that I wanted to buy the same Hayward remote as the one we are supposed to receive. After spending what we did, would not risk going w a generic.

Also, I respect the forum rules and do not believe it is productive ranting and raving on the negatives of a PB, but would want everyone else to be aware of a potential train wreck. Here is some MAJOR ADVICE I can offer all:

If you ask for a PB referral due to someone's positive experience, make sure you do the following:

1). Ask who was their main point of contact and only work w them, not someone you do not know anything about. GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING. If not in writing, it does not exist.

2). Do the same if 1) above is not the project manager, that is if they have a project manager. Whoever is managing their subs, get in writing the communication protocol for response times and set proper expectations. This is not to hammer a PB if they are minutes or hrs late to a response, but we are talking in terms of days.

3). Ask that "during the entire process, was there someone at the office or other that was instrumental in 'making things happen'". Make sure that person has not resigned.

4). Ask who the gunite/plastering company is and if they are going to be the same one for you if you go w them? What are their warranty T&C's?

5). Go on-line and query the company name, key people, and see what kind of reviews you see and their BBB rating. Remember, every company is entitled to make a mistake or two, but the real PB/resident relationship is determined when there is a problem and how long it takes for the PB to respond and if they take full responsibility of the issue or avoids you. Also, check their financial status and ask for vendor references.

6). Finally, if there were any post-final-payment issues w the pool, did the PB respond the same way when you owed them money?

If you can achieve good results on all of the above questions, then you are likely selecting a professional and competent pool builder that properly manages their subs and the project timeline.

Good luck,

I have not received a PM. If you can, it would be appreciated. Thank you, and I'll check the specs again to confirm products. We signed the contract in May, but the pool has been filled for almost 4 weeks now. Thx again.

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