Pool filter pessure gauge at 5 psi.

Hello guys here is the problem. I moved my pool equipment closer to the pool for convenience. It was 70 feet away before, now it is like 25ft. I install a Hayward DE filter 6020 and a Sta-rite Dura Glass pump of 1.0hp. Before it was a sand filter with a unknown sears pool pump 1.0hp from the 70's i believe. Well to go to the point the filter shows no sign of air leak anywhere. I spray a soapy solution every where on the suction lines and it didn't suck in the bubbles. In the pump basket there is few or no air bubbles sign. what else can cause this problem? maybe the suction lines is clog a little?
What was the filter pressure originally?

Moving the equipment closer to the pool will lower the pressure but that seems a bit too low.

An impeller clog or suction line clog will also reduce filter pressure.

If you increase the size of your filter, that will also drop filter pressure some.
well it had a sand filter before working at 10psi but 70 feet away from the pool. I got a bigger filter and moved it closer to the pool reducing at least 35ft of run. what i have been reading is that it has to work at around 10 to 15 psi but 5 seems to low. so let me try to run a snake and clean the suction line. any other thing that can cause this?
Might just be normal.

I have a big cartridge filter with a 2 HP pump and after a thorough cleaning of the cartridges, my pressure is 6 PSI.

If I were you I would not blindly snake out lines unless I was absolutely sure I had a blockage of some sort. You have both a new pump and a new filter and shorter pipe runs. In essence you have made your system much more efficient. As long as you added the proper amount of DE powder and you are getting adequate flow from your returns, and your pump is not cavitating, I would think it's running fine.
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