Solar Cover


Silver Supporter
May 30, 2012
Austin, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-40
OK, I've attached a photo of my pool with a cover. I just sliced it into 3 sections to make it easier, but still a pain. I am experimenting to determine whether to get a heat pump and put cover on daily. I have about 50% of pool edge with a short wall. Is there any way to use an auto roller? Also after a day or two or a windy day, cover is full of acorns and oak leaves. How do you deal with that? Normally all falls into pool and I use Aquabot once a week, or gets Pool skimmed. Pool never gets above 85 in summer and is currently 75. I seem to only lose 2-3 degrees at night without a cover. Is it worth it with a heat pump? Or cover suggestions? Thanks!

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There are two options that I use with the debris on the the cover. If I'm going to use the pool right after removing the cover I will spray as much of the debris into the skimmer that I can with a hose. When I have time to run the vacuum before I swim, I'll remove the cover and let the debris fall into the pool and let the vacuum do its job.

I can't say if the heat pump will be worth it for you as that is something that you need to decide on for yourself. It will extend the season for you but you will need to decide on how often you would actually use the pool when it isn't so warm outside, but the pool is still at a temp that is warm enough for your liking.
Logical, I like the hose idea. If i cut a hole at my pool-skim, just need to spray to it. Main reason for wanting heat pump is wife likes it 86-88, she only went in once this summer since it only hit 86 once. I'm still in at 75, but do like 85. With it over 100 degrees many summer days, a heat pump shouldn't have to work to hard to get it to 88. My main problem is sun hits about 50% of the pool only about 2-3 hours of the day, BIG oak trees.

Edit: wow, solar cover really helps! Pool is 78 today, cloudy and 62 outside (and that cool all night). Cut hole at my pool skim and it's very easy to sweep acorns and leaves into the hole. After looking at the design of "the solar roller" should be easy to make one out of .75 pvc and some hardware. Could be swimming in December!

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Starting to make removing/replacing cover easier. First picture is short section in shallow end that rolls from one side onto 8' rod (3/4" PVC covered with split pipe insulation - cover is slid into slit in insulation, pipe added, cable ties added). Works well, rolls up in a minute and back out in a minute.

Next picture is work in progress. 3/4" PVC pipe and a couple 45's for the handle. Handle removes so only straight pipe and one 45 are in the pool. Will be attaching cover to pipe (somehow), similar to "The Solar Roller" I'm hoping this will work. Pool is only 13' wide, so should be easy to roll up. The red arrows are direction cover rolls up.
I used 1 1/2" ABS pipe for two reasons. 3/4" pipe will bend quite a bit. It might not be a problem for you since your lengths are short.

The second reason I used ABS is because it floats. I put the pipes under the cover instead on on top:

Also, the pipe is big enough that a crank really isn't necessary so I just roll up mine with my hands.
Great minds think alike! I am planning on the pipe under the cover. Good ideas on your thread about the attachment. The 3/4 feels rigid enough being 13'. I capped the ends so it does float, I'm sure the cover would hold it up anyways.

I haven't used a cover in 2 years, but this looks like it won't take more than 5 minutes. Sweeping debris daily into a dust pan, or into the Pool skim, also only takes about 5 minutes.

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My first design was 3/4" PVC but in the water it pulled the cover down a few inches where water collected and then turned green. Also, when I pulled the cover out, the weight of the cover pulled the pipe ends to the ground while holding it in the middle so it was nearly impossible to move but mine was 18' long so maybe you won't have that issue. But 1 1/2" ABS solved both issues.
Well, 3/4 seems to work. 1.5 would have been better, but 13' x about 26' seems to be light enough to carry without dragging. Had some automotive clips laying around, drilled 10mm holes and popped them in. Floats well, but if it fills with water... will see.

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Had they had Foam core ABS at our HD, I would have used it. Hey, it's black, so in theory might add a dash of heat compared to white. My biggest problem is my coping has a 1" lip and I cut the cover fairly accurate, so when rolled edges tend to catch on the lip. Don't really want to trim it smaller since more leaves will fall off the edge. Real windy day today, cover didn't budge, but it's covered with ****. Pool still at 74 with temp hitting 56 last night.
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