Soft water with new pool


LifeTime Supporter
Sep 20, 2014
Pleasanton, TX
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
My tf-100 test kit is on the way. Coping and tile are next on our new build pool. It will be rectangular 16x32 with quartzscape plaster. We have very soft water here. When we built the house I asked the water company if we needed a water softener and they laughed at me. Test strips on our tap water show no ch at all(will test with tf-100 as soon as it gets here). Will discuss with the builder, but would it be recommended to have water trucked in or is it possible to add calcium while filling with tap water? How long do I have to get the ch up before the soft water attacks our plaster?

Love the site! Thanks so much for your help!
More specifically, you should not add salt for at least 30 days after new plaster.
You may not want to raise the CH too high as it will rise as the plaster cure some as well I think.

Make sure you find out form the builder how they expect you to maintain the water during curing.
My tf-100 test kit is on the way. Coping and tile are next on our new build pool. It will be rectangular 16x32 with quartzscape plaster. We have very soft water here. When we built the house I asked the water company if we needed a water softener and they laughed at me. Test strips on our tap water show no ch at all(will test with tf-100 as soon as it gets here). Will discuss with the builder, but would it be recommended to have water trucked in or is it possible to add calcium while filling with tap water? How long do I have to get the ch up before the soft water attacks our plaster?

Love the site! Thanks so much for your help!

Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Good move on getting the kit :goodjob: I know how soft that water is because my best friends live in La Vernia, and I've tested that water. There is virtually nothing in it, but lets see what you have for certain once you test. I wish I had your problem, but have the opposite one instead. It will give you a little more flexibility, and it is easily worked through, so don't worry. Keep us posted on the results when you have them.
Thanks guys! Will post tf-100 results when I get them. Didn't think about new plaster already adding some ch to my soft water. I suppose there's a little excess plaster "dust" on a new pool or new plaster job that adds some hardness.
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