What value do YOU keep your FC level at?


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2014
Youngstown, OH
So I just got a pool on 7/4 and I've been keeping my FC at a goal level of 6.. Looking back it was someone who recommened that's what I shoot for right out the gate.. Not sure if that was just an initial suggestion or what but that's what I've been using in the poolmath calc..

Now that I look the default FC value in the calc is 4.. Am I keeping my FC too high??

Also, surfing around it shows values waaaay lower then 4 even!

Guideline values:
Free chlorine: 0.5-1.5 ppm (mg/l)
Combined chlorine: 0-0.5 ppm (mg/l)
Total chlorine: 0.5-1.5 ppm (mg/l)
Cyanuric acid: 0-20 ppm (mg/l)


Maintain your chlorine levels at 1 - 3 ppm


Free chlorine -- the most active chlorine in pool water -- should be tested every other day and maintained at an ideal range of 1 to 3 ppm


Regardless of how frequently or what system you use to add chlorine to the water, the chlorine level should stay between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (ppm) to maintain a healthy pool.
I keep my chlorine in the 5-6 range. I target at 7-8 in the evenings because I normally lose anywhere from 2-3ppm's per day depending on the circumstances. My cya level is around 40, so that way I ensure I never get below the minimum.

Since finding this site, it has worked for me for 5 years, so I'll just go with that. I think I read somewhere that a lot of those pool guidelines have not been updated it years. Could you imagine trying to keep your cya at 20 while using pucks?
If you are using the TFPC method, review the Chlorine/CYA chart here. What FC level you need to maintain is based on your CYA level. What is your current CYA level?

Those other links are not compatible with TFPC methods and don't include proper understanding of the CYA/Chlorine relationship.
If you are using the TFPC method, review the Chlorine/CYA chart here. What FC level you need to maintain is based on your CYA level. What is your current CYA level?

Those other links are not compatible with TFPC methods and don't include proper understanding of the CYA/Chlorine relationship.

Lots of bad information is given out both at pool stores and on the web. You have to decide which method you want to follow.

To quote Dave, Site Owner of TFP “Throughout TFP, you will read that we suggest certain levels that good science and practical experience has taught us fall within safe ranges.

Further reading of posts here will draw you to the inescapable conclusion that these guidelines work.......in thousands and thousands of pools worldwide.

You may or may not choose to use these methods and guidelines or you may use some and not others. Our goal is to teach you what has been proven time and time again and then let you use that information to your benefit.”
My CYA was about 35 the last time I checked.. Guess I should keep it around 4ish..

I went on vacation last week and had my dad add the bleach that I usually add and the FC is now 11! :O I'm guessing that's because the cover never came off..
Your CYA and FC levels do not affect the pH "bouncing around"

Also a FC of 10ppm at a CYA of 70ppm is on the high side and likely resulting in losing more FC to the sun than you need to. I would target 8ppm and verify that it stays above the 5ppm minimum by the next day.
So I just got a pool on 7/4 and I've been keeping my FC at a goal level of 6.. Looking back it was someone who recommened that's what I shoot for right out the gate.. Not sure if that was just an initial suggestion or what but that's what I've been using in the poolmath calc..

Now that I look the default FC value in the calc is 4.. Am I keeping my FC too high??

Also, surfing around it shows values waaaay lower then 4 even!

Guideline values:
Free chlorine: 0.5-1.5 ppm (mg/l)
Combined chlorine: 0-0.5 ppm (mg/l)
Total chlorine: 0.5-1.5 ppm (mg/l)
Cyanuric acid: 0-20 ppm (mg/l)

These look like values for an INDOOR pool.
SWG pool in full sun in central Illinois. CYA is about 80 and FC I keep at about 7-7.5. I have an APC automatic cover so I loose little if any FC. Keep my SWG set at 70% and boost with a little LC on Saturdays when I am home.

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Just browsing this thread, there are a LOT of posters here who need to read "The ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry" up in Pool School. It's the jumping off point for everything we teach about Pool Water Chemistry.

I really don't mean this to sound snarky, but we know that the levels we suggest do work and we have NO CONTROL over any other documents on the web.
You can see my pool specs in my signature. I add bleach in the AM (that's when my filter runs, and that is when I can add at a consistent time of day)

My CYA is in the 25-30 range (I would raise it to 40, but I plan for a full drain at the end of this season to replace my liner)

My AM FC readings vary between 3.0 to 3.5 ppm

I add roughly 32oz of 8.25% bleach per day, in the AM - that is roughly one ppm for my pool

Every so often, if I know it is going to be a very sunny day, or we plan on a large bather load, I will add 64 oz of 8.25% in the morning.

So to answer about FC levels, mine go between a low 3.0 ppm and high of 5.5 ppm, but usualy between 3.5 ppm and 4.5 ppm

I keep mine around 5.5 for a CYA value of 70. I really love the way my pool is so very sparkly since finding this site. What I thought was clear last year just doesn't compare to what it looks like today. Even after installing a new pool light that was not working for 7+ years, it looks very clear at night. I never would've imagined this kind of clear was even possible!
I keep mine around 5.5 for a CYA value of 70. I really love the way my pool is so very sparkly since finding this site. What I thought was clear last year just doesn't compare to what it looks like today. Even after installing a new pool light that was not working for 7+ years, it looks very clear at night. I never would've imagined this kind of clear was even possible!
That is what I like to hear! :goodpost: :rockon:
I try to shoot for 7ish every evening. I drop to around 4 with the cover off, and usually only drop 1 or 2 ppm with the cover on. Recently i've only been adding about 25-30oz every 2 days its been so cold. Ph has been steady at 7.5 mostly. All I ever have to add is bleach.
Do you typically add bleach at night after the sun goes down or in the morning? I have been testing in the morning and adding bleach before the sun goes up. However, I am thinking maybe test at night and add at night for the next days consumption. Is that the best approach?
Do you typically add bleach at night after the sun goes down or in the morning? I have been testing in the morning and adding bleach before the sun goes up. However, I am thinking maybe test at night and add at night for the next days consumption. Is that the best approach?

Adding after the sun goes down some is the best approach. This lets 100% of the chlorine you add work on whtaever is in the pool versus some of it being used up from the sunlight.

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