Oh My Gosh...


Ms Teenager would be cleaning MY pool! He said he's going to do it himself.

You got my vote! Break out the heavy iron chain and leave a doggie dish with water and some barely edible food in it for Miss Indestructible Youth!

Anyone, in my opinion, who thinks getting muddy and then jumping into someone else's pool to clean themselves off is a good idea has missed a few critical reality-based life lessons. That little girl either needs a few good switches to the posterior region or a good dose of "ditch diggers" reality. Either way will be good enough to correct her obvious deficiencies in common sense.

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I think the pic was taken from a different side of the pool than the previous picture. Coming home to a disaster like that, he probably wasn't too concerned about
taking the after picture from the same angle as the before picture. Just my guess.

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