New to this...update w/pics

Feb 23, 2013
Ok, here are the basics:

Taylor kit

Cya 100
Ph 7.3 (1 drop to 7.4)
Total alkalinity 140
Calcium hardness 340
6.2ppm free chlorine
0.6 ppm CC (maybe up to 1.4 as every time I let it sit it started turning pink again)

In ground pool with pebble tec type surface
Approx. 30,000 gallons
Pool is 90 degrees, has solar panels and a solar blanket
Cartridge filter

And we keep getting those darned green algae blooms! You can see we added chlorine, but now what? We even added the algacide 2 days ago. frustrating.
Re: New to this

Algacide is only recommended as a preventative, not a killer. And it shouldn't be required in a properly maintained pool. Your cya is way too high for your level of FC and will require draining in 3rds to lower it to avoid those "blooms".
Re: New to this

Welcome to TFP and congrats for having a good test kit. CYA is high making it harder to get rid of the algae. I see a partial drain and fill in your future. FC is low for your CYA level. Read through Pool School and ask lots of questions. I've seen MANY a green monster slain on this site.
Re: New to this

Ok...newest test readings

Jun 4, 2014 Jun 5, 2014 Jun 6, 2014
CYA 100 60
Ph 7.3 7.2
Total alkalinity 140 120
Calcium 340 310
FC 6.2 12.8 8.4
CC 0.6 0.6 0.6

Pool is still greenish. I am not sure how to get rid of the algae but keep the pool usable for the kids. It is supposed to be 100 degrees this weekend!
Re: New to this

You need to follow the SLAM process in pool school, for a CYA of 60 this will require raising your FC up to 24 ppm and maintaining it there until it is clear. No one should swim while doing the SLAM process, but also no one should swim with the way it is now.

Re: New to this

Now what? It looks clear, not losing chlorine at any sort of crazy rate, but the CC is still 1. Do I keep slamming until CC is .5?

Here are last night and this morning/late afternoon levels:
9:43:22 PM

6:48:22 AM

5:17:11 PM
FC20 (did not add chlorine all day and left the cover off)



And the deep end (8')...I think some of that green is actually the tree's reflection:

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Can someone please give me an idea of how long this takes? We have been doing this for one week as of tomorrow, chlorine was steady today, CC won't budge. I keep sweeping, it looks clear, but I do see some cloudiness when sweeping.

I am getting a bit worried because we leave for vacation in a few days for a week. Ugh. I bought phosphate remover to use as a preventative while we are gone, but if I cannot get it balanced first will I lose all my hard work?
Please update us with a full set of test results.

Also, perform the OCLT tonight and re test in the morning at 5am and report those test results back.
If you're going to be gone for a week, a metals-free algaecide like Polyquat-60 is a better option as preventative in an already clean pool. Phosphates are meaningless with adequate FC.

I'd have someone add some bleach while you're away if possible. Trichlor pucks would be an option but your CYA is pretty high already.

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The frustrating part is I don't know how well I am testing. So, last night hubby told me FC was 21.5. This morning I finally stopped at 25. Here are some pictures (because I kip don't know how well I am seeing the shades of pink!).

Original water sample:

FC 25(?)

CC after 1 drop

CC after 2 drops
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