Plumbing Hose Question


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Jun 28, 2009
Hi All -- in the process of filling our new Intex pool. It is the big rectangular - 32 x 16 x 52. Last year I had round pool that had:
1. a through-wall skimmer we put in
2. a second suction port that was pre-cut in the Intex round
3. one return
4. to accommodate the two-suction system, the hose to the pump had a "Y" in it with an end going to the skimmer and the other part of the Y going to the second suction port

This year I have not yet put in the through-wall skimmer on the brand new pool. I don't have the skimmer yet so doing it now (even if I'm willing to do it myself as opposed to waiting for pool-boy who did it last year). BUT I am filling the pool and want to get the equipment hooked up asap to both allow us to keep filling and also to let us get some circulation so we can sanitize.

OPTION A (preferred)
1. Is there an easy way to block off the part of the "Y" that went to the skimmer such that I can just hook up the equipment through the two holes that come in the Intex. That way I could get my pump (see sig), filter, and heater up and running and worry about the skimmer later. I would assume I'd need a cap or something but it would need to be really really air tight, right, so it wouldn't cause air to get to the pump - does such a cap exist and if so, would I likely find one at a big box store, or need a plumbing store (which would be closed today).

2. If I can't use my stuff in the short-term because of the Y, can I set up the factory equipment and just circulate, not filter. Looks like an Intex sand filter/pump came with it. I don't really want to buy sand if I don't need to -- could I set it all up and just go through an empty canister to allow me to circulate chemicals until I can get the skimmer installed? I wouldn't be able to use my heater but at least I could keep the water clean.

3. Any other suggestions since you guys usually have a totally different answer, and way better way, than I can think of.

Thanks and hope you are all enjoying a nice Memorial Day!
Can you post some pictures of the how the "Y" was set up last year?

I think using the sand filter to recirculate should be fine. There should be a recirculate setting on the filter, so the water would not even go down into the filter body if everything is working correctly.
My pump came with a combination union/shutoff valve that I used directly under the after-market skimmer I added, just above the tee to my original Intex pool outlet. That way, using the Intex valve with the outlet, I can blend where my output is coming from -- all skimmer for maximum skimming, nearly all Intex outlet for vacuuming, or a balance of the two. There's a couple photos in this thread:
Thanks for the responses. I can't find a photo and was not able to post one. Good to know I can use the Intex pump to sanitize if necessary. I think I just need to either wait til I get the skimmer set up before I try to us my hoses. I'll probably hook up the Intex pump and use it without sand for the short ten - my fear on that is not being able to change out the hoses with water over that level of the pool. Anyone done that, or would I for sure need to drain back below the holes? Thanks again.
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