New install -- roots poking into liner

Mar 26, 2014
Central Flordia
My Doughboy was installed last week, they finished it up on Friday. Due to a long battle with iron making it impossible to see the bottom, I did not get into the pool and really walk around until yesterday. I found a few wrinkles in the bottom which bothered me but I thought it is what it is. However we found a spot where a root is poking straight up into the liner. My wife stepped on it and it hurt her.

The ground prep for the installers was the worst -- lots of roots. They did put down Armor Shield:

This root, and we've found a few others already, feels like it was cut in the leveling process and the end is poking straight up into the liner. Feels much like a pencil is poking straight up.

I am really concerned about these. Even with the armor shield it seems like it's just a matter of time with people walking on it and even around it before it pokes through. Thankfully I know the Doughboy liners are some of the thickest out there, but I'm still concerned. Can they even do anything about it? A couple of them might be about 4' from the side, but there's at least one in the middle of the pool making digging from under the pool not much of an option. I would think you wouldn't be able to do that with the water pressure of liner coming down anyway, and you wouldn't be able to to pack the dirt good enough to not cause a soft spot...

I have to agree. I'd definitely call them and see if they could redo the bottom of the pool better and get rid of that pencil root sticking up! it's only a matter of time until it comes through the liner and stabs a very soft, water logged foot!
I've got a call in to the installer.

What would be an acceptable solution? It sounds like they have to pump out the water, take the top rails off, take out the liner, and re-prep the ground. Should I have them do something other than dig at and cut the roots? I've read where it's not good to over-excavate the bottom, should they use a tamper to harden up the surface if they have to disturb it a lot to get at the roots? Will this cause potential damage to the liner, outside of the obvious risk of handling it?

I hope they have some cheap pools they can setup. I absolutely do not want to go through the iron battle we've had since Friday afternoon again nor do I want to pull another 16,000 gallons from my well.
Not sure that's feasible. I looked and looked for a source as I did not want to fill with my well water. Best option I found was a partial fill costing me about $1500 from a company far south. I even asked the installers if they knew of any options around and they said "not anymore."

Hopefully they have some cheap pools they can pump majority of the water into.
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