Newbie posting test using TF-100


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Aug 3, 2013
Hilton Head, SC
FC. 3
CC. .5
TC. 3.5
CH. 6
TA. 60
PH. 6.8

Pool was green when I took off cover. Shocked it yesterday and now looks clear, maybe a little pollen dust still in pool. Filter is running most of the time. We have 3 live oaks hovering over pool. Lots of pollen!

These #'s are from 10 minutes ago.

Thoughts ?


We don't "shock" we follow the SLAM Process and that is clearly not what you have done thus far based on your FC being so low already.

What is your CYA? That determines what FC levels you need to maintain. See the FC/CYA Chart.

Am I correct in guessing that you through a bunch of dichlor powder chlorine in the water and called that "shocking" and that is why your pH is now too low? I could be wrong.

Step 1 is to raise the pH into the 7s with borax.
Step 2 is determine your CYA
Step 3 is following the SLAM process.

You should also likely eventually raise your CH up to around 250ppm.
CYA results? Bring pH up. Read Pool School.
You can find that SLAM process in Pool School. If you will follow that article precisely, you will have a crystal clear pool.

If your water is now clear and you are losing less than 3 ppm or so chlorine daily, there may not be a need to SLAM. However, Post your CYA to give us a better picture of where your FC needs to be.
Ok let's try this again....hit me if you find an opening and yes I used a cheap a** shock package since my TF-100 had not arrived...can't fix stupid right?

CYA. 60
PH. 7.2
FC. 1
CC. .5
TC. 1.5
CH. 200
TA. 140

This is assuming I did all the tests accurately my second time go-round....

Thoughts/suggestions very appreciated!


Round three.

Out of town for two days. Wife is pleased to say she shocked the pool yesterday. Used the "bad" bag of powder from home/garden store! Sigh....

Today's #'s:

PH. 7.2
CYA. 70
FC. 11. (Wonder why. :>)
CC. 0
TC. 11
TA. 120
CH. 100

Pool temp.

Suggestions? No I didn't yell at her. Explained why I bought TF100 and the TFP method.


- - - Updated - - -

Sorry. Pool temp 70

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Ouch! That CYA is climbing big time!

If the "shock" you used was Dichlor, every one pound bag you dump in your pool adds 12 CYA and 13 FC and lowers pH by .5. The pH will recover because your TA is over 100. The FC will get used up or burn off. The CYA is the gift that keeps on giving... the pool equivalent of an STD. Easy to get, hard to get rid of.

The biggest problem with high CYA is that your minimum FC level is 5 and your target every day should be about 8. That's above the ability of the colormatching test kit, so you'll have to use the powder and drops every single time you test FC. Your chlorine usage won't be any higher, but you'll need to maintain a higher level. It will make sense after a while of testing, dosing, and reading.

Luckily, your pool isn't very big, so draining off some water won't create a huge swampy mess nor will it cost you a fortune to refill.
It looks like you have some inconsistent test results. For example your CH started at 150 then jumped up to 200 then back down 100 over a four day period. You might watch some YouTube videos on how to perform the tests to make sure you are performing them correctly.

***I hope that jab didn't sting too much***
Nah bring it on!


As to replenishing the water to lower CYA, we have a small leak in the pool so we put maybe 50 gallons or so in most everyday. We suspect the tile grout is leaking and have called a pool repair company but they haven't come on site yet.
#4 on the test train

Do not start a new thread for new test results. Please keep them in the same thread. Thanks, jblizzle

And I do mean train!

Here we go:

CH. 125
FC. 8
CC. 1
TC. 9
TA. 120
CYA. 60
PH. 7.2

Water temp. 72

Comments, suggestions most appreciated.


OK, back from a couple of days away....wife did not shock w/dichlor this time!

PH 7.5
CYA 45-50 (still trying to figure out when I don't see the black circle)
FC 0 (nada)

water temp 76
water clear

pool calculator said to put in 156 oz 8.25 chlorine. I put in 121 to be conservative my first time with bleach. Poured bleach in slowly over my two returns, one in deep end, one in shallow.

Tested 2 hours later, looks like I have FC @ 25. Did I test too early? We get lots of sun here along the coast and it's going to be 77 degrees here today.

Running the pool pump constantly.

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