Just got a TF-100 test kit and did measurements


Aug 25, 2012
Livingston, TX
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I hope it is okay to post this here. I read several of the other posts and some had readings close to mine and I also plugged them into the calculator, but I would like reassurance before making changes -- how much of what to add and what order.

My readings are:
FC - 5
CC - 0.5
PH - 8.2
TA - 250
CH- 300
CYA 20 or less

:wave: Welcome to TFP!!!

How does your water look?

The numbers look pretty good. Highest priority to getting that pH down into the 7s and keeping it there. It is going to rise due to your high TA value, but just focus on the pH.

You will also need to raise the CYA up to around 40ppm and then maintain adequate FC.
Welcome to TFP!

You aren't in bad shape. Your first step should be to drive your pH down with some muriatic acid. Check out Recommended Levels in Pool School for the goals.

CYA needs to come up, but I'd recommend you verify your results. The test is tricky.

Your TA is high, but it isn't a big concern. It will tend to drive your pH up, but if you keep pushing your pH down, you will eventually get the TA to a more reasonable level. If the pH is just too hard to maintain, you can follow the Lowering Total Alkalinity process to reduce the TA and move the pH into a more reasonable area.
Thanks, guys. I added just less than the suggested amount of muriatic acid and it lowered the PH to 7.8. Since it is about to rain off and on through Saturday I am thinking I should just wait and run all the tests next week before doing anything else. This is much better than running to the pool store to get the water tested and spending lots of money to buy what they say I need.

Thanks again,
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