Vacuum the pool, but not ready to start it up - OK?


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 5, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
Salt Water Generator
We have an automatic cover on our pool; since it's easy to open and close, I've already had it open a time or two this season and did some minor cleanup.

I'd like to actually "open" the pool so that I can run the pump and vacuum out the few leaves and debris that hit bottom. Water is crystal clear otherwise. But I'm not ready to start maintaining the water chemistry yet since we're so far out. Also no reason to run the pump X hours a day just to run it.

Any reason this is an issue? I'm not interested in starting the pump up and maintaining it on a daily basis yet, but when it's a nice evening, it's nice to sit out and eat dinner and look at a clean pool. We probably won't be in the pool until June timeframe. When we're not out there, the cover is closed.
That is fine, but whenever you are running the pump, I would certainly suggest running some tests (pH and FC at a minimum, although would be good to know TA and CYA) and making sure there is still some chlorine in the water. Bump the FC back up and the cover will help maintain it.

A few minutes of your time now could save you a lot of work in a month.
You are basically describing my method of opening my pool. As long as the solid cover is on the vast majority of the time, you are probably fine of you run the pump and test it once a week to be sure the FC is high enough for your CYA level.

Just don't let yourself think that because you're not swimming in it you dont have to test it. In other words, the cover, lack of use, and temperature is just stretching your maintenance by a lot versus normal maintenance. You still have to do the maintenance.
Thanks guys. Sorry for not replying sooner, didn't get the alert that there were replies.

Anyway, actually getting rid to rip apart the equipment pad as the installers just threw down some stone and a fake pad. Looks horrible. Going to pour a pad and then will reinstall everything and THEN open.

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