Going with the Oasis Z5


TFP Expert
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Jun 7, 2011
Midland TX
Well, after a few days of blowing dust and sand, I think my enemy will be more of this than anything. Leaves in the late fall, but nothing like some folks I know here. I was originally going with the Supreme M5, and I think I'm back to that now with extra cart filters. I was thinking DX6 to have the bag option for leaves, but not anymore. I need the carts for dirt and a top loader and extra filters on hand will be more of what I need I'm pretty sure.

So, the Z5 is the latest and greatest incarnation of the M5 and PB can't get them. He couldn't find the DX6 with all the goodies whole sale, and I'm glad he didn't. All in all, I'll save a few hundred based on what he was selling me one of those, or a pressure side system for. Can't use it just yet with the new finish, but I think I'll be ordering one this week.

Can't wait to see it running.....:party:
Mine Z5 arrived last week and has been wonderful so far. I've only run it 3 times with yesterday being the first full cycle. It ran for about 2-1/2 hours.
Picks up all king of debris and hasn't had any problems with any of the leaves (not very many at this time of year for me). If it lasts 3-5 years without many
repair issues, this will be one of my better purchases for the pool. It is my first robot so I don't have anything to compare it to other than the Polaris 360
it replaced.
Welcome to TFP! :wave:

I hope you have the best of luck with it. As fickle as I must seem, I ordered an M5 Supreme yesterday because the Z5 comes only with the basic remote. Being this is a new pool package, I wanted every bell and whistle I could get on the cleaner. Still saving a C note over what PB quoted me on a pressure cleaner, so I am looking forward to it. Basically, the remote is about the only difference. They even use the same cart, and screen filters. I've heard a lot of good things about the Dolphin cleaners and I cannot wait to get mine in and running.
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