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Apr 1, 2007
Sebring, Florida
Because I was leaving town for a few days, on Friday, I scooped the pool completely clean of leaves....even ran the robot to get the last 50 or so.....probably the 5th or 6th time I have scooped them this fall.

Here's what I had when I returned Monday afternoon...[attachment=0:bskwjr6z]leaves.JPG[/attachment:bskwjr6z] The ones on the bottom underneath the floaters are about 4-6 inches thick.

They have been scooped again and I am ready for my next dose of medicine.

The Pity Party will be at my house tomorrow at five....I'll have plenty to drink but you might want to bring one of those gauze face masks with you......there's gonna' be a bad forest fire in progress.


  • leaves.JPG
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We've got about the same problem with a combo of leaves and pine needles. I can vouch for how well those Leaf Catchers work. Even when a ton of leaves fall, I'm able to pull it off by myself and drag it to the yard. We put it on whenever the solar cover is on, if a storm is on the way, or in cases like your's when we'll be out of town for awhile.

They really are a cheap life saver.

In the mean time..........I'll bring my own net to the party.
I can vouch for how well those Leaf Catchers work. Even when a ton of leaves fall, I'm able to pull it off by myself and drag it to the yard.
My pool is 25 x 53 and we tried, but could not pull a leaf cover that size when it has a bunch of leaves. Next we tried 3 leaf covers overlapped and taking them off one at a time.....still no go for two people....we couldn't control it.
That's what I'm afraid of, even if I could find a big enough cover, it would be such a massive job to pull it off, we would just dump them all in.

I just got my Hayward Extra Capacity leaf catcher for my suction side port for vacuum and cleaner, it's TINY compared to what I need (and you!!!)

My robot will only suck up a few leaves then it gives up.
I was actually thinking of asking you to post a picture of your woes. This really is an excessive amount of leaves.

You are the TFP poster child for leaf drop issues. When I get ready to start griping, Ill have this thread book marked to remind me.
Ah....a perfect case of not being prepared!! As "FALL" of the year can be predicted on every calendar, ya just gotta be ready on September 20-21 every year. I usually go up the the local K-Mart and hire a few Wino's. Have them wait under the trees and have them catch the leaves as they fall. As this activity only last a few minutes, the issue is contained post haste. I just really don't see what the problem is...........

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I just showed this to my Wife and she was stunned. She thinks now...maybe our leaves aren't so bad. We will have quite a few, but nothing near this many, and certainly not anywhere as long. After this, she is seriously thinking we ought defer the mesh leaf cover... for now. So....what to do with the money that would cost? :scratch:
It's funny because living in MD, I've always thought about pools being closed by the time leaves begin to fall. So although we have to close our pools (and shovel our snow) we don't get the joy (and exercise) of netting fall leaves. But we also don't get to look at our big investments during the off months.

Thanks for posting the picture! That was a fun one. It's cool how "bad" a perfectly maintained pool can look!
Sorry to see that and hope it is cleaned up and clear now. I close (pay the pool store) and tarp cover around the first or second week of October and fight that load on my cover about 4 weekends in a row. If it doesnt rain, the Sthil blower helps, but it has always rained!?! Then I have to push and drag and throw.
I must honestly say that I am enjoying the empathy from all of you. The Pity Party I held for myself was attended by my 2 dogs and my wife.....none of whom cut me much slack. :shock: :shock: The intentional forest fire was a bust as well. The falling leaves smothered it! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Actually, we can all take away from this goofy thread a reminder of what we all know deep down......each pool is unique and different.

As we proffer advice to others or receive suggestions, we should realize the always perfect answer (credit given to our pragmatic JohnT) is, "It depends."

PS - I cleaned up the leaves yesterday and then filled a 40 gallon container this morning. I am definitely "over the hump" as the trees that affect my pool just don't have that much more to give.

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