FC HIGH Need to lower SWG??

I would suspect test error. Possibly not running the fc part to completion or incorrect multiplier for the volume used. With cooler water, the test reactions slow down, which can lead to test error if one does not swirl enough. A SpeedStir can be helpful in such cases.

I have a link in my signature for a video of the fas-dpd test.
With no cc, you're in good shape. I would turn the swg off to allow the fc to come down a bit.

If you have a mesh cover, you could put it on now, but I would allow the system to run a few hours a day until the water got too cold for algae to grow or you started to get freezing weather. If you have a solid cover, you can cover and shut everything down.
Sounds like the CC are 0ppm which is good.
Are you using a 25ml water sample or a 10ml sample? You should use 10ml so each drop is 0.5 ppm and save your reagent if you are not.
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