Closing pH questions


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 9, 2009
I have seen other threads saying that Polyquat 60 is not necessary. Is there ANY benefit to it? Is it just not cost effective or is there really no benefit?

My plaster was done in June. I am still using about 1/2 gal of acid each week to keep pH in check. Will this be a problem over the winter? Should I drop it to 7.0 before covering? Do I need to lift the cover and check it every couple weeks? If I do nothing, will it continue to rise and be extremely high in April?
Polyquat and SLAM value FC is a bit like wearing a belt and suspenders.

I don't close but it seems that it's about a 50/50 mix of those that do use it and those that don't.

Before I answer about pH, what is your current TA test result ?
Well, your TA is okay so I think you might lower the pH down to 7.0 just before you close. Puzzling that it still wants to come back up as rapidly as you should be more stable by now.

That said, If you can test and be able to lower pH in the winter, that would be a pretty good safety net, but I bet you stay in the 7's 'til spring.
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