giant spots all over pool and spa that no one can diagnose

Re: giant spots all over pool and spa that no one can diagno

Copper does not usually respond well to treatment. However, it might be worthwhile to try ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on a spot to see what happens.
Re: giant spots all over pool and spa that no one can diagno

I will try that. I bought a metal remover, liquid. It said to use the full quart for a 10,000 gal. Pool. The salesperson told me that at first the water was going to turn cloudy and that the metal will start coming off the walls. Luckily it was only $25. It did NOTHING. The water is still crystal clear and the spots are still there. Tomorrow I am calling someone who builds and maintains pools who is supposed to be very knowledgeable. My current pool person knows he had something to do with this. What, we don't know so we can say it. Each time I ask him a question he gets very defensive. I asked him how often he used the algaecide with copper and he did not want to answer. I bought as ascorbic acid tablets and was going to try that. James, I thank you for your help and I will post as soon as we get a definite answer and get the spot removed. Thank you. Grace
Re: giant spots all over pool and spa that no one can diagno

Man, that is a shame. You know he knows, and that is the frustrating part. We can sure help you do this on your own and get rid of him and his expense though!