Got my TF-100 what?

Aug 28, 2013
League City, TX
I received my kit yesterday and tested the pool this morning. My numbers are whacky! We have had a recurring issue of mustard algae. We have been pouring 1 gallon of bleach in per day until we got our test kit. That has been for the last 5 days. I hope that is why our FC levels are so high. From what I have read, we are at shock level.

FC 34.5
TC 35
pH 7.6 (at least that's ok :-D )
TA 120
CH 560
CYA 100

So what's next? I'm new to this. Our pool company built a beautiful pool but the follow through and empty promises have been a nightmare to deal with. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

We live just south of houston. Average temps right now are 95-100F
First thing is your CYA test reading. How did you get 100? Anything at or even OVER 100 will read as 100.

If your CYA level is 90 or higher, repeat the test adjusting the procedure as follows:

Fill the mixing bottle to the lower mark with pool water.
Continue filling the mixing bottle to the upper mark with tap water.
Shake briefly to mix.
Pour off half of the contents of the mixing bottle, so it is again filled to the lower mark.
Continue the test normally from step 3, but multiply the final result by two.
Also if it is true mustard algae, your actual SLAM target is more like 54, if your CYA is 100 and not higher. FIRST, lets get a true read on your CYA reading,then someone will suggest you drain and refill some water to bring your CYA down. After that, can get started on treatment.

I don't have the TF-100 for the CYA test so I can't be sure. If it was at 100, I think it would be appropriate to do the test with the instructions above. Going off the extended test instructions which were written for the Taylor and TF-100, they say anything over 90 should be done with the above directions.

Also feel free to wait for someone else to chime in with their thoughts.

This is where that comes from if you haven't seen this page yet.
^^yep, what Scott said. You do need to use the dilution method to test the CYA. And, yes, you do need to do the drain/refill dance and get the CYA to something reasonable, closer to 50.

What is the CH of your fill water?

The pH will read a false high when FC is above 10. Next time FC is below 10, retest pH and adjust if necessary.
scott.MI said:
First thing is your CYA test reading. How did you get 100? Anything at or even OVER 100 will read as 100.

If your CYA level is 90 or higher, repeat the test adjusting the procedure as follows:

Fill the mixing bottle to the lower mark with pool water.
Continue filling the mixing bottle to the upper mark with tap water.
Shake briefly to mix.
Pour off half of the contents of the mixing bottle, so it is again filled to the lower mark.
Continue the test normally from step 3, but multiply the final result by two.

When I did this test, the CYA is 60
Butterfly said:
^^yep, what Scott said. You do need to use the dilution method to test the CYA. And, yes, you do need to do the drain/refill dance and get the CYA to something reasonable, closer to 50.

What is the CH of your fill water?

The pH will read a false high when FC is above 10. Next time FC is below 10, retest pH and adjust if necessary.

My CH of fill water is 120
So doubling the reading of 60ppm for CYA would put your CYA around 120ppm. So you should replace about 60-70% of your water to get the CYA back in range.

This will also help lower the CH.

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Yes, test the water.

Then, Read "The ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry" up in Pool School. That'll give you the suggested ranges for the parameters you have just tested and help you understand more about why you are moving them (if at all).

Next, move your parameters into those ranges in this order...

Looks pretty good. The FC is really not too high according to the FC/CYA Chart with a CYA of 60ppm, the minimum FC level is 5ppm ... which likely means you should be dosing to around 7-8ppm each day to be sure it does not drop below 5ppm.

Remind me was there any sign of algae in the water? cloudy/green/etc that would suggest you should SLAM the pool now that the CYA is reasonable?
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