Test results ...still little cloudy, clarifier??


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2013
Chicago IL
5300 gal AG, Black Diamond Cartridge filter

CC- 0.5
PH -7.5
CYA - 30
TA- 130

Cleaned filter ,Vacuumed ,been running pump about 10hrs a day ,just cant seem to get the hazyness out from underwater looking across the pool.The water IS clear ,just not crystal clear .
I know from posts Clarifier is frowned upon....but should i give it a cup or will it make it worse?
Rynz said:
The water IS clear ,just not crystal clear .
I know from posts Clarifier is frowned upon....but should i give it a cup or will it make it worse?

Do you know whether or not the product will work? If it will, is a cup the right amount? Is a quart the correct amount?

It's my opinion that if you can't answer these questions definitively before you add it, you shouldn't put it in your pool. That is why these products are frowned upon here.
At the end of a Slam trying to clear .....I was losing about 3ppm per day, slam'd , chems seem fine now,pool is clean ,no leaves or dirt , just left with a haze underwater

I have a gallon or so of HTH Clarifier , never used it. Not sure if i should
pwrstrk said:
I think you just need some more filter time. Cleaning up the haze can take sometime. POP !

No need for the clarifier.

Also, there are 3 tests to pass for completion of the SLAM process, and having clear water is one. You are not quite done. See red lines in my sig.

You should see daily improvement and run the pump/filter 24/7 until done. Are you brushing daily, too?
I stopped slam after 2 days after about 2 gallons of chlorine when chlorine started to hold , i vacuum daily but dont really brush , i take like a hand towel and completley wipe down the inside of pool once a week. Looking down from above you can clearly see bottom , its just when underwater with a mask on looking across pool, there is a haze.
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