Let's see how much water we can lose.....


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Jul 21, 2011
Eastern Ohio
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
This morning my in-laws called after going out to turn on the pump to find the pool a good 8" low of water. Not sure where the leak is, but in one day we've lost about 3k gallons worth of water. Went out today and sealed off the skimmer and return to rule that out.....but we're fearing some concrete work or a new liner is in our near future.

The odd thing is......
Their neighbor who lives maybe 200feet from them also has an in ground pool.....which also lost about 6" of water overnight a week ago. They're having a company come out Saturday to test their lines and the skimmer. Gonna test ours as well, which I already know is gonna fail, as I can see some signs of cracking from long ago.

About 3 months' ago a company started blasting for coal in the hills about a mile from their house. Several people in the area are saying that they've had damage all of a sudden show up, that hasn't been there for years. I've marked the liner for now, and sealed off all the plumbing......but I'm looking forward to having to fix something major. :(

Vent over!! Photo's to come soon........
Yesterday topping it off from evaporation and small leaks....


If you look close on the right side you'll see a mark where the water was at 4pm today. Four hours later it went down an inch. Gonna call after we find the leaks the blasting company and let them deal with all issues.
So if I understand correctly, these pool were fine for however many years, and then they started blasting for coal. Then all of a sudden both pools started leaking? Sounds like there is a pretty good chance they screwed something up.
We're not 100% sure what's going on just yet. I do know its very odd that every day at 5pm you hear a loud whistle, then feel the house shake. I'll know a lot more when we find the leak and stop the water lose.
And today's progress........

Went for a swim in 72* water....which was enjoyable to say the least. Sprayed some food coloring around the creases of the liner, the returns, the light, the steps, and anywhere else anything looked "odd". No sign of a leak that I can see. We've got no idea where to turn to next. I'd hate to call the blasting company who did the pre-blast inspection out saying they've caused a leak, only to have it turn out to be a torn liner or something unrelated. I'd also hate to sit on this much longer and risk a floating liner.
Is the leak detection company still going to come out? If it leaks past all the openings in the pool then it has to be the liner. How far is the water from being below the last opening in the liner?
As of right now we can't find a leak service in the area. The local pool store is going to do a pressure test on the plumbing this weekend. At this point it may just be a waiting game. There's still water above several spots in the liner (light, returns, steps) do we'll see when/if it stops.
Down another 6" today. By tomorrow it should be below the last fixture in the pool.....the light. Here's to hoping it stops, or a new liner is in store.

Either way, 2013 swim season looks to be done.

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It went down another 4" last night to just below the light fixture. Not sure at this point if its gonna stop or not. Won't know for sure now until tomorrow.

Lost about 8k gallons of water now.
Be sure you mark the current level. Now may be a good time to throw a bucket test in there so you know what the evaporation rate is. Are all the returns, drains, and skimmer still plugged?

How deep is your deep end? Any water left in the shallow end?
zea3 said:
Be sure you mark the current level. Now may be a good time to throw a bucket test in there so you know what the evaporation rate is. Are all the returns, drains, and skimmer still plugged?

How deep is your deep end? Any water left in the shallow end?

We've had a steady rain the past day, with more in the forecast so while it would be a good idea......I'm not worried about the bucket test at this point. Mainly due to me working 14 hours this morning.....and I'm in my PJ's for the night. :D 2AM comes around early. We've been losing a large amount each night, so at this point if it's anywhere close we're calling it a victory.

All the drains and such are still plugged, however none have water anywhere near them. Our last hope is going to be the light at this point. The deep end should be 8'....however I'd guess it's maybe about 6'5" now.....the shallow should be 3'....and I'd guess it's down to about 1'6" at this point. If it goes down much more we're going to have to truck in water to keep the liner in place until we can find the leak.
There's no main drain.....just one skimmer, two returns, steps, and the light. I've been at work all day today, then off to take the girls to the fair. Never did have a chance to stop out at the in-laws house to find out if more water was lost today after it went below the light niche.

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