Thinking about the Tiger Shark


Silver Supporter
May 30, 2012
Austin, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-40
I know this an old post, but I'm thinking about the Tiger Shark (and others). Curious if the "5 micron" filter is really that much worse than "2 micron" on many others. How does that compare to a DE filter, and does it really matter?

edit: Think I've decided on the SharkVac XL. YouTube video looks good (don't they all). Seems to do waterline well. Easy to clean filters. $50 rebate brings it at or under $700. Yell if you have any negative comments about it.
Re: Hayward Tiger Shark Experience

Follow up. I plan on ordering the Sharkvac XL today (maybe). I sent Hayward an email asking about specs on their website: "530 cubic inches", is that the volume of the basket for debris? And no cable anti-war feature.

Their reply (in 1 day): "Yes, that is the volume capacity for the filters inside. The cord does not have an "anti-twist" feature, but will not twist and knot up if the handle is adjusted each time it is put in the pool"
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