first contribution, sort of funny


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Jul 4, 2012
Whidbey Island, WA
So am new to pools, but have read lots and lots of web pages. Mostly ask questions, but here is a ?contribution.

Had lots of tent caterpillars this year on Whidbey Island. Used to find them disgusting but after learning they are fundamental to the growth of fir forests I have changed attitudes.

At some point they enter cocoons to later become moths. Anyway...

"Opened" the pool on the fourth, was in fine shape, clear, balanced, 86°; I said "Dang I am good". Grandbabies jumped in and giggled.

Shortly one grandbaby asked "grandpa, what is under the edge? That is gross." I looked, maybe a hundred tent caterpillar cocoons distributed around under the coping.

Oh well, so much for my "perfect" pool opening. So now to do there is filtration, balance, sterilization and things under the coping.
Having a pool presents various ecological conundrums. You've got your caterpillars, and others have similar or slightly different problems. For example, I have an infestation of flying ants who insist on committing suicide every my pool. Likewise, for the voles and field mice who, unfortunately, bring their newborn to swim...or drown in my pool! Despite my efforts by providing an escape route... :cry:

Cest la vie for those of us who hate to see anything meet it's demise in our wonderful pool. While I feel sorry for the demise of voles, moles, mice, spiders, snakes, frogs, caterpillars, ants, salamanders, etc.....I'm not going to close down my wonderful pool to save those lives. I've posted signs, locked the gate and provided an escape route for those that Darwin would have saved. :roll:

I've done my best and don't lose any sleep...well I don't lose much I think I"ll have another drink and hit the pool! :whoot:

Welcome...and thanks for a great first's nice to have a chuckle instead of being asked to help solve an algae bloom!
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