Best way to introduce CYA into a pool


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 2, 2007
Austin, TX
I am sorry if I am repeating an old question... I remember reading that I should put the powder into a sock. My question is, what kind of sock is best to use? (Should I borrow one of my wife's socks? Don't worry... I will blame Sean) I have two skimmers, is it best to split the differance between the two or just put all in one? I noticed on the bottle it said I could put the CYA in hot water and stir like heck and then introduce it directly to the pool. Good idea?

Thanks in advance!
If you can avoid backwashing the filter for a week then the simplest way to add CYA is to pour it directly into the skimmer. Putting CYA in a sock in the skimmer is really the same thing, since much of it will end up in the filter anyway as it breaks up into smaller bits and gets through the sock.

If you know you are going to have to backwash/clean the filter you should put the CYA in a sock hanging in front of a return jet. That will give it some circulation and keep as much as possible out of the filter.
My suggestion would be that, if you can avoid backwashing for a week, definitely put the CYA into the skimmer (slowly). I needed to put LOTS of CYA in after my conversion to BBB, and it was taking forever for it to dissolve from the sock. I put it into the skimmer, waited a week, and - wowsa - the CYA was up to 50. Thanks again to Jason's pool calculator...
The CYA I bought last year was flakes rather then granules and dissolved within hours, not days like the previous batch. I put it in a men's tube sock and tied it to the rail on my steps so it floated in the empty space under and behind the wedding cake steps. Every so often I hauled out the sock and squished the flakes around some.

At day's end I stuck the water hose back there and let it run for a couple hours since the pool needed backfilling anyway. This fairly well mixed the CYA into the water without it going directly into the filter.
Did the Jason intro... :) It went straight to the filter.

Do I need to let the pump run non-stop for 48 hours as per the instructions on the bottle or can I stick to my 12 hour summer cycle?

Thanks all!!!
The continuous circulation will help it dissolve faster. I always recommend to my customers to run the pump for 24-48 hours non stop after pouring it in the skimmer.
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