Scaling on Black Tile


In The Industry
May 23, 2012
I am having an issue with calcium build up on a concrete pool with a black tile accent along the top. I have the alkalinity at 100, calcium at 170, and PH at 7.4. But I keep getting the scale. Last year I had added stain and scale weekly but it just kept appearing. I had to resort to using muriatic acid to remove it. Is there any way to help prevent this?
Is there any way to help prevent this?
It'll be tough. Even though your CH is fine for the pool, it concentrates in that area as the water evaporates and results in scale. Frequent cleaning with muriatic is probably the best approach.

Okay, Okay.....I'm gonna' bring up something else...put on your tin foil hat.

For years, I have had calcium scaling issues in my house even though the CH of my well water is consistently 130ppm. I had been searching for a solution and decided to cough up the money (about 150) for one of these.... They claim, while it does not remove ANY calcium, it alters the molecular structure of the calcium so it doesn't "stick" to surfaces. I would never have bought in but, I swear, the darn thing works!!

There are many other brands on the market. Google "calcium descaler" and you can do your own research. It would be perfectly applicable to pools in that the water is continually recirculated through the magnetic field.

I am still quite skeptical of any gizmos like this but we have watched all out fixtures remain shiny and stain free for several months now. If you tell anybody you heard about this from me, I will swear I have no idea what you are talking about!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Hahaha Thanks Dave, I will take a look at these. I am glad you have tried them, because otherwise I would equate them to snake oil. I appreciate the feedback though. It is a lot of work keeping the tile clean, but it looks good when it is.
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