Another what's the next step question :)

Apr 9, 2013
This site is great, soooo glad we found it!

We have a new agp, vinyl, 13,300 gallons.

I've been lowering TA from 310, trying for 80 or so. After 1 gallon of acid were at around 250-275. I'm hoping its closer to the 250 level, which leads to my first question. I also have the aerator going now to get pH back up.

My first question is regarding the TA test. Am I just looking for any sign of pink? There's a point where the water goes clear with a very slight pink hue, but then the next drop it goes bright pink. Since my level are high I've been using the 10ml method so every drop is 25 ppm.

Based on the pool calculator I'm guessing I still need around another 3 gallons.

My second question is after pH and TA are fixed (tap pH was 7.6 to start so Im just trying to get it back there) is CYA the next (week long) step?

Then I shock? Am I shocking with bleach? I know bleach is the usual chlorine source, I just wasn't sure if that's used to shock as well.

Thanks Again.
3. Add R-0009 one drop at a time, swirling between each drop. Wipe the tip of the bottle after every drop with a damp cloth. Continue ‘til color changes to red. Multiply the number of drops you added times 10. (11 drops = T/A 110) Record it. TA can vary widely. but a range of 70-120 normally works well.

You can go ahead and start raising your CYA level to 30 to start. Shouldn't be any reason to shock on a new fill if you maintain your FC level at LEAST THE MINIMUM what is recommended for your CYA level. See the CYA/Chlorine chart in pool school. ALWAYS use bleach to shock! (if you need to).
I think we need to slow down and take this one step at a time.

1. If it's a new fill, there shouldn't be anything in it requiring a shock. However, we won't know for sure until you....

2. Get us a full set of numbers.

In general, TA can wait. But we won't know until we see your test results. Also, please put your info in your signature line. We need that as well.
A quick tip on all the tests. If you watch closely towards the end you'll see changes in the color each drop. Stop the test when you no longer see these changes. YouTube page shows you each test in's worth a quick look.
Water Temp: 44 F
pH: 8.0 (This was 7.6, I added one gallon of acid, dropped to 7.0, aerated now at 8.0)
TA: 250
Calcium: 120
CYA: 0 (sample never clouded - dot never disappeared).
Chlorine: 0

Get some chlorine in there so nothing starts growing. I used pucks in the beginning to get a little cya in there with the chlorine. For my pool, each puck added about 1.5 cya or so.

The good thing is with the pool as cold as it is, nothing should really grow, but I wouldn't take the chance. In my experience in my pool, it was very easy to maintain fc levels with the pool so cold, even with little to no cya.

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The water is crystal clear right now. I just added the second gallon of acid, gotta watch those fumes...yikes.

I am starting to see debris on the bottom so I tried connecting the cleaner, unsuccessfully. Waters too darn cold. I needed to plug an adapter into the skim box to start, but I couldn't keep my hand in that ice cold water long enough. That and the fact that the once flexible rubber adapter was now hard and rigid. Not sure what to do about the debris in the mean time. It's not much, but it's there.
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