Adjustable overflo drain?


Jul 1, 2012
Hi All,
I have a 1.5" pipe near my pump pad that is capped and has a 3/8" hole drilled in the side for a pool overflow drain. I want to pipe this out to my gutter drain, I know I need to keep the apex of the inside of the fitting the exact height of the bottom of the hole, has anybody come up with a clever solution for this? of even make an "adjustable" one you can raise the pool level if needed?

Adjustable is tricky, but a fixed height overflow is easy. Have the pipe from the pool come straight up, place a T fitting so that the leg of the T goes off to the side at just the right height. Cap the T with two 90s so debris won't fall in the pipe but air can get in and out and then plumb the leg of the T downslope towards the gutter/drainage area. If you don't provide the air vent a syphon can form and drain the pool.

You could get about one inch of adjustable height by replacing the T with a three way valve. The plate inside the valve can be moved to block the lower portion of the drain pipe opening, raising the water level by not quite the height of the pipe opening (enough needs to be left open to allow water to flow out).
Thanks Jason,
I was thinking a 90 with a 1/8 or 3/16" weep hole in the top then an upsidedown gate/slice valve, then 90 and plumb to the drain
maybe getting to complicated, like the simple "T" solution of yours!

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