Spring has sprung but fell down!!


LifeTime Supporter
Apr 25, 2010
East Tennessee, 40 miles west of Knoxville Tn.
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Opened week before last with warm weather and the start of algae. As advised I'd better "nip it in the bud",which I did. A very easy clearing compared to last year's late opening by the way.Close late and open early is the way to go...
Now since Spring is officially here we're having snow showers and lows in the mid-upper 20's this week. I'm leaving the pump running 24/7,liquidator on 2.5 and have it all covered in towel and tarp over it to keep rain from freezing on it. Can I be fairly sure this will be enough to protect it this week as surely spring is just around the corner(last year at this time it was 80 plus degrees according to the weather station!).

Another note, I will have lots of Oak flowers falling in a few weeks. I'm thinking of letting the water raise above the skimmer opening to keep it from clogging and pump loosing prime and running 2 poolskims instead,just to be safe on loosing prime. Wife will be home to empty poolskims as needed. Sound like a resonable plan??
Yep,,,,,,,,your process should get you through those freezing temps. Worked well for me two winters ago when it didn't break freezing here for like 5 days! We had a huge rain yesterday and winds 25 to 35 today. Keeping the falling leaves out of the pool can't even hold a candle to fighting those oak tree fallings. I've been harvesting seaweed all day off and on.
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