Fastest way to dissolve CYA Conditioner ?


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 27, 2012
Lafayette, Ca / USA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
We refilled our reconstructed Fiberglass Pool 2 weeks ago and filled it at that time. I am having a dickens of a time getting the Conditioner (Leslie's pools) to dissolve in front of the Skimmer return. I've even tried putting some in a bucket and stir it from time to time - but can't get it to dissolve. This is proibably due to the water termperature, right? (e.g., about 58 degrees) ..

Does anyone have a trick to actually dissolve these granules faster ? I really need to get my CYA raised to about 50 ... right now it is only about 10, and this is after 2 weeks of hanging a bag in front of skimmer.

thanks so much, once again.
Putting the granules directly into the skimmer can be problematic, but putting a sock containing the granules into the skimmer is fine. The sock keeps them from completely clogging the basket, which is the risk if you pour it directly into the skimmer.
One other option is to use Dichlor until you reach the target level but you'd have to guess how much of the CYA you have added has actually dissolved which could be a pain to get right.

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I would suggest just keeping it inside a sock either in the skimmer or in front of a return. It WILL dissolve in time and there is no harm in it being in there. Each time you are going by the pool, squeeze the sock a time or two to help it.

Dichlor means another purchase, another calculation and another opportunity to get your chemistry incorrect. I have never tried warming it and pre-dissolving mostly because most folks on the forum report little success.
Thanks .. the sock is in the skimmer. Yea, I didn't want to go the Dichlor route - for the reason you mentioned. I guess the good part of this is that the water tmep is 56 degrees, so algae growth is (should be?) less of an issue right now .. (I have my Cl level at about 4.0 right now as I attempt to bring up my CYA).
It seems from most of the reports on the forum, that the powder takes 3 - 6 days on average to show up completely on the test, even though it may or may not dissolve somewhat sooner. WE have not heard that trying to dissolve it has any affect on it's lifespan, just that it (dissolving) is not effective.

The Liquid is a very viable alternative in that it IS effective upon application but at a price that is (if I remember) about 2-3 times the price. There are many times where that may be worth it.

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How quickly or slowly you dissolve granular CYA makes no difference in how long it lasts. Liquid CYA doesn't last any longer than granular. Chlorine very slowly breaks down CYA whether you use liquid or solid. Splashout and backwash are the biggest enemy of CYA and the type you use makes no difference in that whatever.

I've used granular and had it test to the expected level a day after so there are instances where it doesn't take nearly a week to dissolve. The reason for the suggestion of waiting a week to test is to keep people from wasting testing reagent because it's possible that it won't show up on the test for a week. Also, as soon as the granular is dissolved it starts working, it just might not show up on the test.
excellent points Bama ... I've been wasting reagent for exactly that reason. At this rate, I'm figuring it will take a total of 3 weeks to get my CYA up to where it needs to be (this was a total refill). The PC suggests that I will need close to 3 bags of the Stablizer and I just finished the 1st ... and my CYA is barely starting to register (at about 10). Other note: I never added any stabilizer after taking possession of this pool -- mainly because previous owner use a pool serive, who use Dichlor (or Trichlor) tabs all the time. My CYA was 55-60 the entire summer.

thanks all ... slowly disolving.
Big Bill said:
Not only does it last a week longer
What do you mean that "not only does it last a week longer"? CYA is not consumed the way that chlorine is consumed. When adding pure CYA into a T-shirt in my skimmer, it dissolves completely over a day and registers fully in my pool within 2 days.

As for pricing, the Instant Pool Water Conditioner is roughly twice as expensive as pure CYA though obviously it depends on where you buy each and in what quantity. So it's a cost/convenience trade-off.
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