First test with my new Taylor k-2006


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Jul 4, 2012
Chicago, IL
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-60 Plus
I've been relying on the strips for the past month and I finally got my taylor k-2006. I've had zero problems with the water thus far (pump is another story!), I am guessing because the pool is not heavily used and I've been pretty diligent with testing and vacuuming. With the exception of the first few days of opening (4 weeks ago), I've added no chemicals other than chlorine.

If it is relevant the chlorine I use is the pucks from a 40 pound package I got from Costco, though I plan on switching to BBB once I run out.

Test results:

FC 3
CC 0.5
PH 7.4
CYA 40
TA 110
Calcium 170

Everything seems pretty well in line, right? Maybe a bit more chlorine is in order....
Those levels look good. You could stand to have a little higher FC, but are within the recommended range!

Keep in mind that those pucks will be adding CYA. You CYA level of 40 is fine, but you won't want to raise it above 50. How many pucks do you have left? You can use pool calculator to find out how much CYA the rest of your pucks are going to add. If you have a lot of pucks and it will put your CYA over 50, you might want to switch to a different chlorine source before you run out of pucks (and you could save them for later).
Thanks Blake. Oh man, I have a TON of those pucks, bought a 40 pound container about two weeks ago. I think I will migrate to bleach and use the pucks intermittently if CYA drops as you suggest.
Sounds good. Just know that CYA will NOT drop on its will only go down with water replacement or a process called reverse osmosis. You can, however, use the pucks if you are going to be away from your house/pool and don't have anyone to maintain your chlorine (like a vacation). :goodjob:
How do I use the pool calculator to figure the number of pucks I can use before my CYA gets too high? I couldn't see how to back into the number. Or maybe a better question - is the number more like 2 or 20? Reading of others troubles on this makes me want to stay far far away from high CYA.
Thanks Richard. I used two pucks over the weekend so my margin of safety is shrinking. I will throw some bleach in the pool tonight, my first foray into BBB!
Pauls234 said:
How do I use the pool calculator to figure the number of pucks I can use before my CYA gets too high? I couldn't see how to back into the number. Or maybe a better question - is the number more like 2 or 20? Reading of others troubles on this makes me want to stay far far away from high CYA.

On the poolcalculator:
Set your pool volume at the top.

Then toward the bottom there is an area called "Effects of adding chemicals" select trichlor and then put in the weight of a puck (7-8oz typically)

Or set your Now and Target CYA values in the middle and see how much weight of trichlor would get you there. Then divide by the weight of your tablets.

What do they say about teaching how to fish ;)
Those tablets will keep just fine, save them for vacations. You may find that CYA declines over the winter due to excessive rains or snow. I exit most winters with low CYA which I savor, banking it for upcoming spring vacations.

I suggest that you look at the container very carefully for any indication that those pucks are special in any way. Some of those products that are 3-way or whatever may add copper algaecides to the pool. If you have copper you certainly want to know that. Just trichlor and stabilizer is fine.
Jason - thank you! I definitely want to learn to fish, or as was the case here, to simply scroll down!

Anona - I like the idea of banking CYA room, as a new pool owner, those pucks sure are low maintenance. I checked the label, it says ~94% tricholor----[some long chemical word] so seems they don't have other stuff in them.

Speaking of CYA, I'm questioning my test results. Not the testing kit but my interpretation, but this probably deserves its own thread.

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You can post your questions here, keeping it all in one thread is helpful for others to see your history. You can pour and re-pour the CYA a number of times to see what your average is. Do the test with your back to the sun, hold at waist level and pour till the black dot disappears (no hint of it).
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