Floating, dark greenish brown curly Q's??


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 7, 2008
Brooklyn Park, MN
I moved this spring and at the new house put up a pool very similar to my old one (24 ft round 48 inches deep). Our new backyard has many more trees than our old house had. We have a lot of leaves and pollen falling into the pool which are no big deal. Additionally I'm netting out small, round metallic green bugs of some type that I dont recognize. And then I'm finding small little curled strings floating around that are segmented and are like greenish brown curly Q's. These I am concerned about. I have no clue what they are. There are a lot of them and I'm guessing they are some sort of algae or, some sort of waste from the beetles? Any ideas, anyone? I have my chlorine cranked up to 20 to no effect, and my cc's are always 0 or 0.5, never higher. I'm stumped. Help?
Yes you have Japanese beetles.The curly Q's are the waste and really is a drag to deal with.I have swam with and few in my pool and am still alive.Seems like they come and go through the summer..my neighbors had to cut down two of there elm trees because they infested it. Best thing you can do is let pool water quit circulating after pumps have been off for awhile,let all the poop settle to bottom then get all the vacum stuff hooked up and ready to rock, as soon as you start pump pool vacuum it good and quick before gets stirred up again,then backwash hope this helps, it is what I would and have done......

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OMG, you are right Hawkeye! Three days ago I had never heard of a Japanese Beetle, now I've read everything I can get my hands on and it appears that getting rid of these things in going to be next to impossible. Every morning for the last 2 weeks or so, I've had to go empty all of these bugs out of the skimmer. Since I don't like to kill things unless its necessary, I had just been emptying the skimmer onto the ground. Now that I know how much damage and destruction these little guys can do, I make sure I kill every beetle I can get my hands on by dousing them in soapy water and then disposing of them in the garbage. I have sprayed all of the folliage in my yard with insecticide, and plan to treat my lawn areas with a grub control product twice yearly from now on, once in the spring and again in the late summer.

Thanks for the help figuring out the problem!
Lowe's and Home Depot (and others) sell these bags that you hang in your yard. Japanese Beetles fly in, Japanese Beetles never fly out :D Really, killing them is the best option and those bags work great.
Dang, but thanks guys. You've just helped me identify the mystery bug/Crud in my foliage-abundant poolscape. Chalk another one up for nature in the ongoing swamp woman versus nature tale ;) Thanks too on the tip for the traps!
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