OK, just re-tested - question re: CYA "tube" test


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 27, 2012
Lafayette, Ca / USA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I think my numbers are getting better - pool really looks great.. (see results - any comments?)

re: CYA test -- when you look down into the test tube, it says that black dot should "dissappear" .. Are they saying it must be totally GONE? what if there is a vague outline still? Reason I ask is that my figure comes to CYA=60 ! I have not added any CYA to the pool and removed the "puck" about 5 days ago ... The black dot is totaly invisible at 60 ... but is very very faded out at about 40 ...


TC = 3.5 (I just added 98oz bleach to try to get this up some more)
FC = 3.5 (making progress - this was at 1.0 on 7/12)
CC = 0.0
PH = 7.4 - 7.5
TA = 120
CYA = 60 !!
CH = 280 (this is down from 300 on7/12/2012)
CSI = 0.03

pool temp = 86
cody21 said:
I think my numbers are getting better - pool really looks great.. (see results - any comments?)

re: CYA test -- when you look down into the test tube, it says that black dot should "dissappear" .. Are they saying it must be totally GONE? what if there is a vague outline still? Reason I ask is that my figure comes to CYA=60 ! I have not added any CYA to the pool and removed the "puck" about 5 days ago ... The black dot is totaly invisible at 60 ... but is very very faded out at about 40 ...

That makes no sense. The less CYA you have in your water, the less turbidity the reagent will create, meaning you need to put more in the sight glass to obscure the dot.

If the dot is totaly invisable at 60, then that is where you stop adding liquid. The 40 line is ABOVE the 60 line.

Also, it does not matter when you removed the puck. CYA does not go away. The only way to lower it is to remove water add fresh.

@phonedave -- thanks for clarifying .... You're right, of course ... 40 is Above 60 ... I think I need to re-do that test just to wrap my head around what's really going on ... And I think I'll try to do this test in the sunlight per previous suggestion (back to sun) . thanks everyone..
you can do the test a few times ~ empty the tube with the dot back into the bottle you used initially to mix and redo the test.

I needed to do this at home & I had wished my son would have been home when I tested it the second day so I could have gotten his opinion. You could ask someone else after you have looked an gotten a number to take the test and see what they see.

Just wanted to make sure I know you can redo the test and have someone else look too. I wouldn't let the sample sit around all day, but use the same sample and get a few readings out of it so you feel confident in the number you decide upon.
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