I think I added bad salt - how bad is it


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Jun 28, 2009
Yesterday, a 40 pound bag of Sure Soft Solar Cube Plus was added to my pool. It is a yellow bag. Says 99.8% pure salt and only ingredient I see listed is Sodium Chloride. BUT, it says "Plus additive cleans resins" and on another part of the label, says:

The Plus Advantage
Cleans Resin and Eliminates Odors
HIgh Purity Minimizes Residue
Prevents Rust Build-up and Stains
Improves Performance
Safe and Effective in All Water Softening Systems

Have I put in something that is:
1. Not safe to swim in (already had my kids in it though . . .)
2. Will in any way damage my new heater or pump

A quick search of their site does not reveal what the additive is.

Thanks for any insight.
Most of these claims on the bags are mainly due to the products reported purity, and not due to some secret additives. At the end of the day, most of them are just salt. At 99.8% pure salt, that does not leave much of the 40 pounds for other stuff (less than 2 oz).

Deluting whatever you did add by 15,000 gallons of water means you are likely fine. More atmospheric contaminants find their way into your pool every day.
Ok, re-visited their website and found msds tab (thanks Ross - didn't know what that was before) - ingredients listed there are solely sodium chloride; but, then in the toxicological section it gets murky to me - something about LC50 and Oral LD50 -- I don't know if that is a separate ingredient, or what. Anyway, says not toxic so I'm guessing all is well. Anyone able to confirm/correct?

Not sure if there even is an additive - so how/why do they advertise it as such?

Here is a link to the page to select Sure Soft Solar Cube Plus and the msds will open as pdf.

Thank you.
LD50 is a toxicology term for Lethal Dose 50%. Meaning, the dose required to kill 50% of the population. LC50 is Lethal Concentration 50%, same but at concentration level.

The LD50 and LC50 figures are used to indicate a substance's toxicity. MSDS's are less intended for substance general information of ingredients than they are for safety and toxicity information. They are Material Safety Data Sheets, used to be required to be readily available in every workplace, for every substance present or in use in any main or satellite location of a workplace in paper form. I bet electronic copies are ok now.

I think your salt is fine.
Thanks, all. Water is perfect. Slight salt taste (which I like) and skin feels great getting out. I will avoid the salt with "additives" on the label in the future, but I'm not entirely sure anything other than salt was in there.
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