high chlorine and can't shock?


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May 8, 2012
Metro Detroit, Michigan
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Thanks for the previous help. I have opened our pool, running the pump since this morning. Test results as followed:
FC 23
CC 2
TC 25
pH 7.2
TA 90
CH 150
CYA 50
My question: once I started sweeping the pool, it turned cloudy and the FC started dropping from 25 to 23, CC increased from 0 to 2, pH dropped from 7.8 to 7.2. I know to keep pool at shock level until the overnight test shows no drop in FC levels, but since FC is so high to begin with, should I just continue to brush, sweep and retest in the morning? Also, is it best to bring up the pH and TA now or wait till the FC comes down? Am I correct that shock level is 16 for CYA at 50 in a nonSWG pool, 13,200 gallon vinyl AG?

Thank you again for this great resource.
Good morning all. Thanks again for the encouragement and advice. Did the overnight chlorine loss test.
FYI this am test results
FC 18 (last night was 23)
CC 0 (last night was 2)
pool looks clearer, brushed and then added chlorine to get back to 20 shock level. will recheck soon.

This is sort of fun in a fulfilling way, getting a BBB sparkly pool. ;o)
Just an update.
Pool looks clear but FC levels dropped by 5 last night. Now this morning:
FC 18
CC 0.5
TA 100
CYA 50
pH 7.3
Still want to keep shock levels so added more chlorine.
I think I'm in the home stretch. Read on another post it's okay to swim when FC levels are below shock level (which is 20). I'm hoping to be swimming on Friday. ;o)
Had ducks swimming in pool this am. I wanted to be first in the pool, not them. ;o)

Bama Rambler, woodyp, duraleigh, Thanks again for your help.
The ducks might be the reason you lost so much FC if they were in there before you ran the morning test. :grrrr:

Unfortunately you'll have to keep it at shock level until it passes the OCLT regardless of what's causing the FC to fall.
mariane said:
Am I correct that shock level is 16 for CYA at 50

woodyp said:
Shock level is 20 for CYA of 50

Just wanted to point out that you are both "right". The shock levels in the CYA/Chlorine chart (20ppm) are a little more conservative than the shock levels from the poolcalculator (16ppm) ... either will work, but the higher might be a bit faster.
Bama Rambler- ducks would explain a number of things.
In previous years (before finding TFP and BBB, the pool was cloudy most of the summer and I know ducks have been swimming in the dirty winter cover for several years. just did not expect them to swim in the clean pool water. Who knew?! ;o)

Next question re: shock and ducks.
Since the ducks are swimming in the wee early morning and if the huge drop in FC is their fault, how can I keep ahead of them and not have to shock every morning, or keep pool at shock level every day?

Thanks for the help. *I plan on buying toy snakes. My son asked if we should buy the real ones. That would keep the ducks out and ME TOO. lol

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Okay. Will do.
Just took readings.
FC 21
CC 0
Will see what happens overnight. Or should I get the FC level higher first so it won't fall below shock level?

I've appreciated everyone's help. Thanks.
I decided to raise the FC levels last night just in case we were revisited by the ducks. (As I was writing this post, I heard ducks quacking and ran outside to check the pool. No unauthorized swimmers.)
Last night's FC level was 24 and CC was .5.
This morning's FC 22 and CC .5. Water is clear.
Are we there yet?

All your help has been greatly appreciated.

*Fickle Detroit is not sunny today.
Finally there. FC stayed constant from last night to this morning. CC minimum. No uninvited swimming guests (ducks). :party:

Now if it would stop raining, temps warm up, and the sun come out we could go swimming.

Thanks for everyone's help.
BBB. :whoot:

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