Backyard project - new patio, shower, and shelter


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 29, 2007
With having to replace our pool this year, we ended up starting a whole backyard enhancement project. We have more we still want to do, but here is what we have so far:



The deck was already there--it's 10 years old. The pool, concrete, shower, and covered area is all new. We are planning to stain the concrete after it has cured long enough, and will probably paint the deck also. There is going to be a half-wall on the left side of the shelter (between shelter and pool equipment) with a bar-top. That's our next step. At some point we will probably put stepping stones going from the door of the back porch to the patio. (It's about where I am standing for the first photo, so not a straight path.)

I also want to get some kind of roll-up sun-shade for the west side of the covered area, which is the side facing the camera in the photos. I would like something that you can see through from the inside but still provides shade, since the sun still comes in that side in the late afternoon/evening. The covered area is 10 by 10 feet, so it would have to be that wide or maybe do 2 5 foot panels? Any suggestions?

Also, after several years, my plastic deck box is looking ugly, faded, and dirty. I cleaned it real good this year, but it still looks bad. Has anyone tried painting a deck box with plastic paint? How did it hold up? Good idea or bad?

Our grass was and still is looking pitiful so it was a good time to replace a bunch of it with concrete. Anyway, still lot of work to get it looking good, but I wanted to show off some of our hard work! I am sure I will have more questions as we continue to improve it...
Shane1 said:
I have read good things about the Krylon Fusion for plastic but have no real world experience with it.
I used the Krylon Fusion paint on some plastic patio furniture (chairs) and they came out great!

Looking awesome so far!
Looks great! Enjoyed the pictures.

We are looking at adding a shelter area over either the pool deck area or the large deck by the house as both get full afternoon sun and it gets very hot. We were considering something like the shelter you built but putting it up on our pool deck, in smaller scale, and making it a seating/place for a small fridge/drink station.

I would also like to build some kind of large arbor over our back deck, but have yet to figure out if it is practical or not. We have yet to do our research on it, but now that we have a pool out back, we use that area much more than we used to. Our poor front porch rarely sees us anymore!

We do have an umbrella we get out when we get too much sun, but could really use something more. Thanks for the inspiration :)
Glad you got some inspiration from it! Yeah we did things sort of backwards. I got the nice outdoor chairs for my birthday 2 years ago, and the smaller deck box for my birthday last year, and the patio/shelter for my birthday this year! It was getting annoying having to move the chairs from one shady spot to another all the time, plus we wanted to get them out of the rain. Once we do the wall we will probably add a mini-fridge, too.

Thanks for the tips on the Krylon Fusion.

Still looking for roll-up shade suggestions if anyone has any ideas on that.
Went to Lowes today and found a Coolaroo roll-up sun shade that is just perfect! I love it!

Came in handy while hubby was doing some of the electrical work this afternoon. Tomorrow he will start on building the half-wall for the countertop, finishing electric, and putting up a ceiling fan.

The only plastic paint they had at Lowes was Valspar... anyone tried that brand?
The shade looks great, keep up the good work! :goodjob:

MeSue said:
The only plastic paint they had at Lowes was Valspar... anyone tried that brand?
I have heard of Valspar but never personally used it. I know Home Depot carries the Krylon Fusion that is mentioned a few times in this thread.
Thought I would show a few more pictures of the back yard project.

Here's one of the wall, before the countertop was finished. The wall blocks a lot of the noise from the pool equipment on the other side. The guitar dude is a metal sculpture my husband made.

Here is a close up of guitar dude-- we call him Irwin.

My husband used a hammered out piece of metal roofing for the countertop. Not my first choice, but sometimes you have to compromise. Great place to set my Squeezebox Radio for tunes, and a good height for doing my water tests. :)

(Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk. Please pardon any typos!)


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we put lattice all around the deck so the dogs couldn't go under there to dig anymore. Makes it look so much better.

And here's a view of the whole thing so far. Still need to stain the concrete and paint the shelter, and we'll probably do something to the deck wood, too. We are sure enjoying it!

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Very Nice Indeed! helps me have some new ideas as I am about to embark on a new project.. deck around the pool half way up as a walk around, put wooden siding around the pool with top shelf for recess solar lighting around the pool top, build a sunbathing deck at one end similar to yours.... I already have a large deck to one side of my pool at ground level so this new addition project should look great when done adding two more heights of various decks to the current style.... I am a patterned imprinted concreter by trade and I get sick of desiging concrete... new decking gives me some rest from it all, shame I did not live close to you, I could have coloured and patterned that concrete you have by the pool for well done though I am very impressed with your layout and work!
blakej said:
Shane1 said:
I have read good things about the Krylon Fusion for plastic but have no real world experience with it.
I used the Krylon Fusion paint on some plastic patio furniture (chairs) and they came out great!

Looking awesome so far!


I used it for several things and it will hold up for a year or two no problem, it can scratch off however.

I would love to sit under the shelter and listen to the rain with that metal roof!
britishexpat said:
Very Nice Indeed! helps me have some new ideas as I am about to embark on a new project.. deck around the pool half way up as a walk around, put wooden siding around the pool with top shelf for recess solar lighting around the pool top, build a sunbathing deck at one end similar to yours.... I already have a large deck to one side of my pool at ground level so this new addition project should look great when done adding two more heights of various decks to the current style.... I am a patterned imprinted concreter by trade and I get sick of desiging concrete... new decking gives me some rest from it all, shame I did not live close to you, I could have coloured and patterned that concrete you have by the pool for well done though I am very impressed with your layout and work!

I too have fresh concrete that I want to stain, how long is it recommended to wait before sealing/staining?
I too have fresh concrete that I want to stain, how long is it recommended to wait before sealing/staining?[/quote]

Anytime from 24 - 72 hours is fine, stain before you seal and use a good sealer not one found in a store! make sure you brush and vacume any debris residue before hand... post a pic of the finished work.
The Quikcrete stain we were looking at said new concrete should cure for 30 days.

Thanks for the nice comments, every one. I am enjoying it right now! :)

(Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk. Please pardon any typos!)
I have never had a problem with staining within 72hrs, 30 days seems to be high indeed, if your walking on it? then it is fine to stain and do what ever you wish with it, but that is quickcrete's recommendation for that product, we usualy ask customers to stay off concrete for 30 days with heavy traffic like cars etc, you can walk on it from 2 days up.. anyway not to knock the product in question, for me it is not the best product nor is the sealer you buy from a store. you tend to see the sealer flaking and this in turn causes your stain to fade.. I have never used it over here but if it is anything like the stuff you can buy in a similar store to lowes back in the UK, then I would stay away from it, got bit there once before and cost me time and money in the process, now if you want your concrete to last you must use quality products that will cost a little more but ultimately save you money in the long run, your pool patio area does not look large enough to cost you much, renew-crete systems do a 2 in 1 stain and seal with many colours, one unit that covers 500+sqft costs around $85... this application will also save you time.. you will need to buy a pressurized sprayer, maybe 15 buks or so, total cost around $110 a professional would cost you a lot lot lot more..
We want to build a 10 x 10 shelter, gazebo or something over the brick patio area. Right now we have an iron gazebo but a storm came through today breaking the top piece. I told my husband that I preferred a wooden one anyway.
Where did you get the plans for your shelter?

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