Warm winter/ Algae correlation?


LifeTime Supporter
May 4, 2010
I posted this as a reply in another thread but I'm getting real nervous so i figured I start my own thread

I live in the Boston area and typically don't open until May 1. But with the warm winter and 70 deg temps all this week in the forecast I decided to to take a peek under my cover. I noticed quite a bit of yellow algae on the sides and bottom of the pool. Never had any algae problems before and this is my sixth season with the pool, so now I am concerned. The water is very clear still, there is just this yellow stuff along the sides and bottom.

I really don't want to open for another month at least. I am concerned about opening now because I'm not home a lot (travel) and it's still possible to get below freezing temps in this area for a few more weeks. I am also concerned that with the current warm weather stretch, the algae will get worse. So, should I take any action to stop the growth before I open? will adding a lot of bleach now be harmful, helpful or neither? Or should I just wait until I open and get circulation?
You have a mesh cover, so the yellow may be pollen. If it has a dusty feel it is probably pollen. What is your water temp? If you believe you are past the possibility of a hard freeze you can open the pool. If you want to wait, you can still start adding bleach and brush the pool to mix it in.
zea3 said:
You have a mesh cover, so the yellow may be pollen. If it has a dusty feel it is probably pollen. What is your water temp? If you believe you are past the possibility of a hard freeze you can open the pool. If you want to wait, you can still start adding bleach and brush the pool to mix it in.

Thanks for helping!
Possibly pollen but I'm betting not. All I did was peak underneath the cover. I'll hang a thermometer tonight to check the temp of water. It feels pretty cold though.

If I were to add bleach and brush, I'd need to remove the cover. Before I do that, I'll take a temp reading and see if I can tell if it's pollen or not.
i checked the water temp and it is at 40 degrees F. I have attached a picture. The color is off but you can see that the sides have the yellow blotches. It doesn't appear to have reached the bottom of the deep end yet, but in the shallow end it's pretty much all over the place. It brushes off pretty easily.

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