Water Softener for water fill


Aug 27, 2009
Are there any problems with using soft water from softener to fill pool? I have very hard water and used in the past softened water. However, the pool guy tells me that it is no good to use water softener output to fill the pool. I am ready to replace the water (4 years old) after an AA wash planned for this week. Thanks.
There are going to be two issues with using a water softener.

First, the volume of water that a pool takes well exceeds the volume of a typical home water softener so you will need to recharge several times.

Second, you don't want to completly fill a plaster pool with softened water because at a minimum, you need 200 ppm of CH. So depending on the CH of the fill water, you need to figure out how much unsoftened fill to use and how much softened fill to use.
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