Automation Newbie

Feb 24, 2012
I've been doing some research on SWG pools. Like most I was fooled into thinking its maintenance free. I now know its not, at least by itself.

This leads me to my question: Does "automation" make it basically maintenance free? Perhaps instead of checking PH and other factors once a week, with automation I can check once a month? When we talk about automation, what exactly are we talking about automating?

Good question....

It would certainly involve * minimising * hands on care although this cannot be 100% the case. While one may pool equipment on the pad controlled (lights, pumps, valves, etc....) and then add it an autofill/autodrain, SWG, acid pump...... a cleaning robot, think about the skimmer basket and the pump strainer.....that always needs two hands. And testing to make sure that it's always working still calls for rolling up the sleeves.
The only maintenance free pool is one that doesn't exist. Even once a month is way too long to go in the best of circumstances. You should check your pool and the FC and pH at least a couple of times a week. Even once week is pushing it but you can usually get away with it as nothing goes awry.

Even fully automated pools (FC & pH) require at least weekly checks and more if it,s an outdoor pool.
Fair enough about any pool you have needing maintenance. But I'm curious. If even with automation you have to do weekly checks, what's the point of automation? It doesn't sound like it makes pool maintenance substantially easier.

- Jeff
Automation helps maintain the pool and it prevents you from having to test and then dump in chems. You test and adjust the equipment if needed. I think you may be over estimating how much time it takes to maintain a pool when done correctly. I literally spend 5 mins on the regular routine, and it may take me 10 to 15 mins on the monthly routine.

I test chlorine and pH every day. I have to look at the skimmer basket every day anyway (there's no automation for that) so I might as well scoop the K-1000 full of water and add a few drops while I'm out there. Then I'll take a look at the equipment and if everything is ok I go back in the house or back to whatever I need to be doing.

I vacuum as needed but vacuuming isn't a chore to me, it's a joy. Noone is allowed in the water while I'm vacuuming so it's just me meandering around slowly enjoying the peace and quite. It's kind of a zen thing to me.
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