Newbie with a winter cover that keeps sinking

Jul 12, 2011
London, ON, Canada
This is my first winter with a pool. The pool is closed and I've put on the winter cover, which clips into a groove in the side of the pool. Initially the cover was on top of the water, but over time, it has sunk to about 1-2 feet below the surface. Now the water on top of the cover is filling up with leaves and debris, which I assume will run into my pool when I take off the cover in the spring. I certainly won't be able to remove the water on top of the cover. Do I need to be constantly trying to remove the leaves from this "upper" water? Should I have left the solar cover under the winter cover for floatation? Pool noodles?


We have had some rain, but not enough to explain the water on top of the cover, the cover must be slightly porous. Actually, the water level is up about an inch (it was 1/2" below the top of the skimmer when I closed it), so I may have to try to drain some off or it will be full to the brim soon.

FYI, I think the previous owner drained the pool a couple of feet. I'm using a gizmo so I didn't drain the pool.

Many thanks in advance for the info, Tim
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