Putting up an AGP sucks, I'm about to drive over it.

Jul 22, 2011
Had everything ready to go to day up to the point I'm putting the liner in, hooking up the shop vac to start sucking air & wrinkles out.

I noticed that during many hours long process of building the cove against the wall, I somehow knocked the wall out of the U-channel in 2 spots and now it's sitting above it. I need to undo all the work I've done and start over. :rant:

I think I give up. I wish I would have paid someone $500 2 weeks ago and been done with it.

I also regret building that cove out of sand. I should have just bought that foam stuff, wherever you get it from.

For sale. 15' pool. Not used. :cry: \

Well, my friend up the street is having a pool party for his twins birthday today. Waiting for my wife to get back with the presents so we can head up there.

I wish the pool store had suggested that foam cove when I bought the pool, I'd probably have water in it already. :(
I'm hands-down a DIY type of guy. Build my own cars, engines, put my own wood floor in, drywall, renovations etc. Figured eh, it's just a pool. Well, a pool is a difficult thing to put up by yourself, that is for sure.

I too regret not paying a crew to do it, probably would have been done in a day or two I imagine.
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