Where can fine silt sneak through my sand filter?


LifeTime Supporter
Mar 29, 2007
When I turn on my filter a fine silt like dust shoots out the returns for about 5 to 10 seconds,then
runs clear.
Its not filter sand and I don't even feel like I am catching it in a skimmer sock when held in front of return.
I don't think its a cracked lateral, as I had it apart in the spring and check very very closely.

My question is where else could this silt be sneaking through?

Thanks for any advice!!!
Yeah, I'd take the FC up to around 10 for a few days just to see if things got better. I also suspect your pump run time could be increased a little if you're not running at least 8-10 hours daily. I would try both those things and see if the issue stopped. Post back if not.
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