Intex sand filter, energy efficiency, KWH draw


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jul 2, 2011
Central Califorina
I like to break the costs of things down and know how much activities cost. I recently hooked up the 1\2 hp Intex 1600gph filter. I ran the first hour on a kill-a-watt and saw it drew .35 kWh.

Anybody out there with the 1 hp 2650 gph intex sand with a kill-a-watt? I would like to compare the kWh draw of the two. Thanks.
So the 1 HP 2650 draws 600 watts while the 1/2 HP 1600 draws 300 watts. For a larger pool to me it looks like 2 of the 1600gph filters would be a better deal ( especially when on sale for $70 ). You could plumb them to thru wall skimers have one regular return and one arerator. The two filters would provide 110 lbs of sand filter medium with 3000 gph or so flow.
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