Best way to keep pool warmer.

May 29, 2010
Just a few questions on keeping the temp in the pool at the highest. Should i turn the pump off at night with the solar blanket on. Should i pull the blanket off during the day (if i plan on using it that afternoon.) Does the solar blanket help heat or does it just help keep the heat in
I turn my pump off at night when I know we will have a cooler evening and I want to maintain a higher temperature. I don't like to take the chance of losing any more heat than we have to when we have cool nights & I feel like running the water through the pipes that are in contact with the cooler air can have an affect... maybe minimal, but I don't take the chance because the warmth is too precious to us. When it gets a little warmer at night I will likely run the pump more often during the night partly because of less chance of heat loss and partly because of higher swimmer loads. If the outdoor temperatures aren't going to get below the temperature of the pool water we probably won't bother with the cover those nights.

Hubby and I like our pool water relatively warm and I strive to keep every bit of heat for much of the spring and fall months. Every little bit counts where we live... I can imagine it's even more so where you are!
You may want to think about a couple of inexpensive solar panels for heating your pool water. They connect right into your pump/filtration system. We love ours because when the sun is out for a day or two we can bring the temp up 10 degrees. It is a little frustrating when you have overcast days and cool nights. With an above ground pool in those conditions you are going to lose your heat. But with panels you can recover quickly.
Evaporation is the biggest cause of heat loss.

Always keep this in mind when deciding to take the cover off during the day.

If it is a warm humid day, you will get more warming on the pool with the cover off.

If the humidity is low, or there is wind (wind increases evaporation), you are likely better off leaving the cover on.
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