
May 5, 2011
Atlanta, GA
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I too am looking at slabjacking or concrete raising companies. I'll post pics tomorrow, but I have 2 cracks that aren't level (and a few others which are level, and so I therefore don't care as much about those). The pool is concrete/plaster, prob 20-30 years old and in decent shape, and same for the concrete pool deck so I'm not worried about further settling of the deck.

My main concern is that these 2 uneven cracks are in the area between the pool and my pump/filter/heater. Probably a 20 ft wide area overall, but there's always the chance that drilling the holes for the concrete raising ends up hitting one of the return or supply lines, or elec conduit for the pool light. This would be worst case, but a pretty big problem to deal with. I'm not sure where the pipes are since I'm not the original homeowner, and not sure how anyone could locate the pipes. Maybe take a fairly educated guess, but who's to say that the pool wasn't built in a really weird way laying out the pipes.

How do these companies make sure they don't drill down into pool pipes??
There is hardly any risk of drilling into pipes. They only need a few small holes and they only drill through the deck slab. The pipes are mostly well below that.

Moved into a new topic. If there is the slightest possibility you are hijacking, start a new topic. JasonLion
In the couple hundred pools we have slabjacked, we have gotten into one line, and it was actually poured into the concrete (fed a water slide that was added at the last minute).

Pool decks tend to have large enough voids under them that over drilling (drilling below the bottom surface of the concrete) isn't required. Holes are typically 1/3 of the way in towards the pool from the back edge of the concrete around vinyl-lined and fiberglass/drop-in pools, and 15" or so back from the coping joint on concrete pools. Wider slabs require holes in rows going away from the first set spaced about every three feet.
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