CL Free Flow Cell Question

May 7, 2011
Not sure if this is the right area of the forum or not, but here goes...

My wife got a CL Free filter for our pool. We hired a guy to install it. My wife now tells me he installed it backwards. My question is does the orientation of the flow cell matter?

I really don't know how any of this stuff works, so any help would be appreciated.

JD, welcome to TFP :wave: .

While I do not have advice specific to your system, I would advise you to make sure you have thoroughly researched this product and also understand that you will be swimming in unsanitized water, unless you are also using one of the 3 EPA approved pool water sanitizers (Chlorine, Bromine or baquacil).
CL Free uses electrolysis for oxidation and copper ions for bulk water pool "sanitation", but recognize that copper ions are primarily to inhibit algae growth and that they do not kill nor inhibit fecal bacteria growth at all. As described in technical detail in this post, copper ions at the concentrations used in pools have absolutely no effect whatsoever on any fecal bacteria including Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus. Copper ions are also slow to kill other bacteria including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. It kills Acinetobacter baumannii about as quickly as chlorine and it kills Legionella pneumophila somewhat faster than chlorine. Copper ions have little to no effect on many viruses compared to relatively fast kills from chlorine including Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Vacciniavirus, Poliovirus, Coliphage MS-2 and Influenza.

The CL Free system has not passed EPA DIS/TSS-12 and cannot claim to be a disinfectant or sanitizer nor can they make bacteria or other pathogen kill claims (the statement "killed by the Ionization process" is likely in violation of EPA FIFRA rules). This system cannot be used in any commercial or public pool in the U.S. or many other countries because it does not use a fast-acting bulk-water disinfectant. There are only three such disinfectants approved by the EPA for pools: chlorine, bromine and Baquacil/biguanide/PHMB. Residential pools are not regulated. Just as you can make yourself sick by leaving a chicken out all day in your kitchen (as opposed to restaurants that have sanitary regulations), you can do most anything you want with your pool.

[EDIT] See also this Rip-off report and this A+ BBB rating though given this ABC News report I would take that with a grain of salt. This post refers to cloudy water in spite of Cl Free[/url]. [END-EDIT]
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