My First New Season - Numbers


Jun 16, 2010
Round Rock, TX
Hello all! Thanks to this forum, and a nice little test kit, I was able to successfully convert my 'new to me' pool to the BBB last summer. Being in Central Texas, I didn't close the pool for the winter, but I definitely didn't give it the attention it had when it was being used regularly. I did maintain the Chlorine and pH levels, but didn't even bother testing anything else. So... I just did my first full test, and only had one minor surprise...

FC: 2.5
CC: 0
TC: 2.5
pH: 7.8
TA: 120
CH: 300
CYA: 20
Temp: 79

Last summer, after a few drain and fill sessions, I managed to get the CH and CYA within the good range. But the CYA at the end of the summer was 50. I was a little surprised to see that it had dropped all the way to 20, but I feel pretty good about the test. Maybe I'll run it one more time before adding stabilizer.

Anyway, to get to the point... Assuming my CYA reading is correct, my plan was to add stabilizer first, the work on the TA. Of course, I'll keep the chlorine up into range too.

What I'm really interested in now is where in the recommended range I should shoot to get my levels. Mainly interested in CYA and TA. My pool is in the sun almost all day. There is a tree about 30 feet west of the pool, so it gets about an hour or two of shade in the evening. Other than lots of sun, everything else is pretty normal. I have a fountain that I can run in the case that extra aeration is needed, but I normally do not turn it on.

Thanks everybody!
Target 50 on your CYA - see how your pool likes that level. Some very sunny hot locations like a slightly higher level but not always.

TA of 120 is not that bad, honestly. Add enough muratic acid to reach a PH of 7.2. The TA will come down a little. Then, you will likely see the PH creep back up slowly. Every time it reaches above 7.8, add some more acid to reach 7.2. Each acid addition will lower the TA. Eventually the TA will be where you want it and the PH should stabilize. You can speed that process up by running the fountain, if you like. But it won't harm anything to have the TA where its at now.
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