Pool handyman secret weapon........


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TFP Expert
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Apr 17, 2010
East Texas
And no, it's not duck tape for once!

I got tired of every time I remove the skimmer basket for cleaning that invariably tons of little once "floaters" turn into sinkers and end up headed straight to the pump basket if not removed. So I bit the bullet and made a heavy investment into a 69 cent minnow bucket dip net to combat the problem. Also works wonders to run around the waterline of the pool where all the little particles seem to cling for dear life. No need in my system having to remove all that little particulate matter. Try it, you'll like it!
I have a knee-high stocking stretched over my skimmer basket. When there's a lot of floaters, I hold the weir closed until the water level is in the basket then quick lift it above the surge level and let go of the weir. I'd pull the basket all the way out, but my other hand is in the way, holding the weir.

Same idea; it is amazing that stuff can float for hours until it's critical that it doesn't, then it sinks.
These tips are some of my absolute favorite posts. There is a very long thread here called something like "Tips I thought everybody knew....." or something like that.

Woody, would it be okay with you if one of the Mods merged your's and Richard's ideas onto that thread? It'll put two common threads together and re-introduce that old thread just in time for Spring.

(Mods, if Woody says okay, would one of you merge it please?)
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